In fact, it gives evidence against the notion that even was misrepresentation. His website and his Youtube channel are other sources of information about his case against Zacharias. Would it be wrong for a professor emeritus to call himself an “official professor”? When particular phrases are taken to have particular meanings, this can often be missed. Very plausible, much more plausible than the idea that he was being deliberately deceptive. The registration information entered below will be used to serve you better by providing updates relevant to the site and to our efforts. In addition, all the student handbooks after the 2014/15 handbook do not describe the permanent private halls’ relationship to the University in that way. Ravi Zacharias has claimed for many years that he was a “visiting scholar at Cambridge University.” He presents this claim prominently in his press bios and in his memoirs. There are always calls for the person to be fired regardless of their repentance, often by constantly calling into question the genuineness of their repentance. Love you brother.” First, let me say, I am a fan of Ravi Zacharias. And there are many motivations people could have to make them, apart from the fact that they are true, especially against a public figure, and especially against a public figure who champions something controversial. Do you want to read more articles like this? RZIM also notes that “Dr.” sometimes appears in promotional materials for his speaking engagements without these promotional posters necessarily being run through RZIM’s approval. Let’s plunge into the Deeper Waters and fall out. He resides in Atlanta, Georgia, where his ministry, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), is headquartered. Thus, making a dishonest statement is not the same as making a false statement, because people can make false statements without believing them to be false. You need to have more than a discrepancy in order to prove dishonesty. He has established a very successful apologetics ministry called Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) which is associated with a number of other well-known apologists, including Nabeel Qureshi, Michael Ramsden, Abdu Murray, David Bennett, and Os Guinness. Again, the case for dishonesty here is weak. Perhaps he was being dishonest too? I imagine that’s why he’s persona non grata with them. So here the PPHs are presented as being under the authority of the University, because they are overseen by it. I knew Ravi and admired him greatly. Ravi Zacharias Website Videos and Sermons Is Truth Dead? Public opinion is not the arena of moral justice. The mistakes are small (mislabeling otherwise real qualifications); Indeterminacy problems in determining dishonesty; Human error such as mistakes in memory and some carelessness, especially when speaking informally or ad lib; Zacharias is a non-native English speaker who only came to North America at 19 or 20 and learnt English in India; RZIM and Jeremy Begbie say that Zacharias did attend courses at the University of Cambridge as part of his visiting scholar stint at Ridley Hall. Dan is the former head of Ravi Zacharias ministries for Australia. YouTube channel for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries videos and other related media. By Andrea Morris A memorial service will be held this morning to celebrate the life and legacy of Christian evangelist […] [ii] Unfortunately, he doesn’t tell us which he learnt to speak first and which he spoke with his family. An admission of deceit is to admit to dishonesty. I have read most of the book except for the last 10 pages. They have implied that there should be professional consequences against him. This is important, because when trying to prove dishonesty, it is not enough to show that someone has made an error or said something false. article From This Month. You would like people to give you the benefit of the doubt when the mistakes you make come to light, and not to assume you did it with some malicious or sinister motive, and so you must do the same. “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” John 5:17 So do students say they studied at Ridley Hall or at the University of Cambridge? “Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses.”. The courses taken by students toward these degrees are offered through a mixture of institutions in the Cambridge Theological Federation ( which includes Ridley Hall staff). See below for a picture of the same section in the 2015/16 handbook: The same is true of all the subsequent student handbooks. It can refer to a close friend, but it normally refers to a romantic partner. According to Warren Throckmorton, John Stackhouse claimed: “And to say you are a ‘professor at Oxford’ while referring to Cambridge University (“my studies at Cambridge”) clearly implies that you are on the staff of the university—not on the staff of the apologetics institute you yourself founded in the city of Oxford, or a lecturer at an affiliated theological college, or anything else.”. This is hypocritical and it is the sin of partiality. Indeterminacy problems combined with the fact of human error, along with the fact that dishonesty is more than just a false statement, but a deliberately false statement, means we should be slow to accuse people of dishonesty. For more resources by Ravi, please see these links: Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) RZIM's YouTube Channel Ravi Zacharias- Now With Jesus Recommended Reviews and Posts Here. He’s now with the Lord. This is not an admission of deceit. It would be easy for anyone to see his PhD, to wonder what his PhD is in and then search it, to find out that he only had honorary doctorates. He does say the following, which may suggest that his native language is an Indian language: “Being born in the South and raised in the North has presented unique challenges. The actual representation can plausibly be explained as an understandable confusion about the relationship between these institutions ( I still don’t entirely understand it) along with some carelessness (or not verifying what has been assumed). Watch videos produced by Ravi Zacharias and RZIM's team of speakers and writers (or filter the videos by selecting specific topics). In a February 2013 interview with a Christian blog he said “If I’m in an academic forum, then the fact that I’m a senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall Oxford University, that’s a credential with which I work in the academy.” Apologetics315 interview (my emphasis. Reach your people beyond Sundays. This post also promotes Baughman’s book and website and seems to draw heavily on them for information. But that’s where my beloved English authors helped me. Sign in. So, there is enough doubt here for me ( and for you) to justify giving the benefit of the doubt and not to assume that Zacharias is guilty of dishonesty. Moreover, the local church is the primary locus of community accountability, not social media. Many biblical heroes ( like Abraham and especially Job) were rich and powerful men. After all, one does not take seriously claims by every non-Christian who believes that an evangelist is dishonest ( I’m sure there are many of those), or every person who has some grievance or personal dispute with a prominent Christian minister. Would it be just for someone who identified some discrepancies in your resume to immediately assume that you were being deliberately deceptive, especially if you are not a native English speaker? Also, mentions of Ridley in the media do not as often associate it with the University of Cambridge. The Church of England review of Wycliffe Hall ( from May 2015), starts with the following: “Wycliffe Hall(WH) has been a Permanent Private Hall of the University of Oxford since 1997. As usual, the critics here seem to take very little notice of the difference between a false statement and a dishonest statement and seem to treat them as identical. According to Mr. Zacharias’ website, his weekly radio progra… One of the definitions of “department” is “an area of expertise or responsibility.”. Without knowing anything about my intentions or motivations, did I lie? What if it was in your interest to say that you came from the church and not from the store. So we have Zacharias’s claim and we have the confirmation of his supervisor that he did complete at least a course in quantum physics. This is not implausible at all when you consider that he still struggled somewhat with English, and making himself comprehensible to native Canadians, when he was already an adult (19 -20). Wouldn’t the fact that they are not able to matriculate students mean precisely that they are not independent? All courses were at various colleges of the university.”. Some fields are not required for registration; we use them to understand our constituents and to allocate resources. People at Mars Hill did attempt to restore Driscoll — they even came up with a restoration plan for him. More than 20,000 video Bible studies available for your entire church. The nominal equivalence may make it easy to think that there is nothing wrong with labeling them the same as academic PhD’s, even if it’s not customary. His courses included guided research with Dr. Begbie, lectures from resident and visiting instructors in the Romantic writers, lectures at the University’s Divinity School from Don Cupitt, additional courses in quantum physics with Dr. John Polkinghorne, and studies in world religions with Dr. Julius Lipner and others.”. Given all of this, it would be easy for someone to assume that the relationship between Ridley Hall and the University of Cambridge is the same as the relationship between the Oxford Colleges and Oxford University, especially if they only spent two to three months there and were not really familiar with how things worked. Rocking YouTube since 2012, the high-energy Kirby(isaboss) YouTube channel points her audience to the One who’s really in charge. The ministry of the late Ravi Zacharias, RZIM, released a statement saying that the allegations about his misconduct were in fact true. According to Cherwell, the University of Oxford student newspaper, the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics ( OCCA) was jointly established by Wycliffe Hall ( a permanent private hall of the University) and RZIM ( Ravi Zacharias International Ministries). According Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “department” also has these meanings: Since he is writing in his autobiography, an informal definition is natural, even if it would lead to understandable confusion. What if I left out the last 5 pages? In addition, the search results sometimes seem to represent Ridley Hall as part of the University of Cambridge. That is biblical. ( Log Out /  We do not know what people deserve in a moral sense. You must be 100% scrupulous with your degree, claims and background. The uncharitable standard that Warren Throckmorton, John Stackhouse, Randal Rauser, Baughman and others have applied to Zacharias would probably render anyone including themselves dishonest. I will assume it is correct. Change ). “I know I’ll see you again and I look forward to that day. I never foresee one day I have to pen down the following words. Idiom and colloquialism are recognized for being especially difficult for non-native speakers to learn about a new language. YouTube Facebook Vimeo Twitter. In lieu of flowers, the Zacharias family is requesting that gifts go to RZIM to support the ongoing efforts of the ministry. Given that he is a human being, I have no illusions about the fact that he is sinful. This seems like an attempt at damage control. Academic integrity must be honoured and not compromised at all. As far as I know, he never apologized for excommunicating Paul Petry and Bent Meyer, and ordering that his followers shun them. Ironically, the person who wrote this email to Baughman also omitted the “honorary” in Zacharias’s position. We’ve established that he’s speaking loosely and is using various words to refer to a teacher at a post-secondary level. Browse channels Sign in to like videos, comment, and subscribe. Watch Queue Queue. I have not thoroughly investigated this one yet and it would be difficult to do so without getting into contact with the people at SES or RZIM.) According to Baughman, “PhD” appears after his name in some materials and “Dr.” appears before his name in some other materials. Before going home, you stopped at a store. Zacharias has a number of honorary doctorates. What you wrote is great to provide gratification to anyone who obviously graduated from a tribal university like you did or are intellectually incapable to think or reason. You can now compare any YouTube channel's statistics and find out which channel is performing better. So here Wycliffe claims that they are “within” the University of Oxford as a permanent private hall and that they form an “integral part” of Oxford University. If it were just Baughman, I would not have addressed it. Processing the Ravi Zacharias sexual abuse scandal - with Dan Paterson. Do they believe it makes them righteous to be quick to accuse a member of their own “tribe”? This includes Virtue Online: The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism which posted an article on Zacharias called The Duplicitous World of Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias. As we will see, most of the errors here are ambiguous and they can plausibly be interpreted in both favourable and unfavourable ways. So it just introduces the permanent private halls by saying they are “there” and they aren’t designated as “affiliated institutions”, and therefore seem rather to present them implicitly as part of the University. In other words, it is connected to the Cambridge University website home in the same way that Oxford colleges’ websites are connected to the Oxford University website home. Good News Bad News. Tributes are pouring in from people around the world who are deeply saddened by the death of this great man of God and today 100huntley shared a video in honor of Ravi Zacharias. Given that we are going to discuss whether Zacharias has been dishonest, it is useful to discuss the definition of dishonesty and what evidence we would need to prove dishonesty. So is Zacharias’s claims true or not, taking into account the fact that he seemed to use “professor”, “lecturer” and “teaching fellow” interchangeably? The honorary position title is the title of the position he had at the academic institution where he lectured. Ridley Hall is where he was registered. Apart from that, its concerns often seem to coincide with whatever wrong is most seriously regarded in the secular world. This is incredibly weak as evidence of dishonesty. Would you say I was being dishonest? “The story of the gospel is the story of eternal life. Discover daily channel statistics, earnings, subscriber attribute, relevant YouTubers and videos. No. I say this, because one often finds this “Robin Hood” narrative in Christian outrage culture that seeks to tear down the powerful as much because they are powerful as the fact that they have done wrong. It is quite easy to make one, relatively risk-free (it’s unlikely that you will be sued for defamation, especially in the US where the criteria for that tort is very high). Since he was listed as a honorary teaching fellow and did lecture at Wycliffe Hall while a honorary teaching fellow there, I’m not sure what the problem is with calling himself an “official lecturer”? The letter also quotes Professor Jeremy Begbie confirming what Zacharias studied: “I can confirm that Ravi Zacharias was a visiting scholar at Ridley Hall Cambridge in 1990, under my supervision. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The operation of the PPHs is overseen by the PPH Supervisory Committee of the University.”. By saying that it is colleges that comprise Oxford university, this may suggest that nothing else comprises Oxford University. According to the email we have from Wycliffe to Steve Baughman referenced earlier, the position that Zacharias had really was with Wycliffe and it wasn’t ( or wasn’t just) with the OCCA. So perhaps it is more correct to say you came from the store? He says: “I consider it fair fighting to suggest that if Christianity were true, Christians would be different.”[i]. A sad note for us to end 2020 on. The types of mistakes that are required to explain the cases of alleged dishonesty aren’t grammatical or vocabulary mistakes, but mistakes in idiom, ways in which native English speakers refer to things. A person who is truly trying to misrepresent themselves would not lie about things that are so easily discoverable, and not just easily discoverable, but discoverable from Zacharias’s own public resources (his CV). Also, Wycliffe Hall’s website is located on Oxford University’s website home and is represented as being a part of Oxford even in the search results when its name is searched. Update from RZIM Board: Allegations Against Ravi Zacharias RZIM The Latest Articles from A Slice of Infinity article From This Month. Zacharias founded a global apologetics ministry, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), in 1984, and was widely sought after for decades for his eloquent answers to life’s biggest questions. So when considering whether Wycliffe is part of Oxford University it becomes a bit of a definitional problem, because the University of Oxford as a whole consists of “independent” and “self-governing” Colleges and the University itself is just a federal system of smaller institutions. So Zacharias held a position at Wycliffe Hall until December 2015 according to an email that Baughman has, referenced earlier. An accusation, without corroboration, should not be enough to damage someone’s reputation. Disobeying a custom may not be seen as serious, and in many cases, it is not. I’m not really sure what he means with the first part of the quote. Especially from 2017, a number of allegations of immoral behaviour have been leveled at Ravi Zacharias, including dishonesty regarding his professional qualifications and what is being called “online infidelity.” Many ( though not all) of these allegations come from Steve Baughman, who is a Youtube atheist, lawyer and banjo player. Zacharias was there partly during the 2015/16 academic year. Essential and balanced action taken by President Trump on social media censorship Having a passion does not mean you are intellectually capable or could deal with the more than complicated issues of evil, free will and suffering. The location was his Lexus SUV. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, one of the definitions of a professor is “a teacher at a university, college, or sometimes secondary school.”. All that you can claim is that he used a word with multiple meanings with the wrong meaning given the context ( at most). Ravi Zacharias is Founder and President of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), which celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in 2014. I do want to ask a few questions of these Christians who have been so quick to accuse Zacharias of wrong. I read the Baughman blog yesterday – it had a whiff of sulphur about it. Is that a vested interest in finding sins in evangelists and Christian apologists? Is it dishonest then? Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Channel Analysis & Statistics. There can also sometimes be the impulse to say that because someone is powerful and successful, they should be held to a higher standard than you would hold yourself to. I have often heard people saying that the “innocent until proven guilty” principle should not be applied in non-legal contexts. Driscoll’s abusive leadership was well documented and there was a trail of bodies…accusers who are Christians, not some atheist YouTuber. A true liar, someone who really has an intent to deceive, would not lie about things that are so easily discoverable. This is not Biblical accountability per Matthew 18:15, especially in this case where it is not even clear that a moral wrong took place. Atheism, Feminism, and the Bible by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. That’s why plagiarism and cheating is a serious offence since it is an act of stealing and deception. Creating a culture where we need to “expose” any and every sin and then hound these people in social media posses, is not biblical accountability. It is also worth pointing out that many of these errors are easily discoverable often from Zacharias’s own materials. A memorial service will be held this morning to celebrate the life and legacy of Christian evangelist and apologist Ravi Zacharias. The Existence of God (329) The Existence of God – Ravi Zacharias – YouTube. I tell you I’ve read a book and I’m speaking informally in a conversation. This concerns a number of relevant facts concerning the claims of dishonesty: Baughman attaches a great deal of significance to correspondence he’s had with people at the University of Cambridge long after Zacharias was there. Do I think given the above that Zacharias could have thought himself a professor at Oxford, given that Wycliffe is everywhere ( except the 2014/15 handbook) presented as part of Oxford University, or the multiple and legitimate usages of the word “professor”? In every case of alleged dishonesty there is a good deal of truth to what is being said. ( Log Out /  What if only the final page? The mission of Project Veritas is to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Nous = Arguments from Conscious experience, Atheos = Responses to Arguments for Atheism, The Duplicitous World of Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias, even though he and RZIM have apologized for reporting his credentials incorrectly or against custom, Baughman has more recently made the allegation, According to Warren Throckmorton, John Stackhouse claimed, was not on the payroll of Oxford or Wycliffe or that he didn’t hold a “formal teaching position” at Wycliffe, The University of Oxford does seem to explicitly represent the permanent private halls (of which Wycliffe is one) as Oxford Colleges in the “Colleges” section of their website, In addition, all applications for study at Wycliffe Hall, Warren Throckmorton appeals to the same email. Stackhouse asks: “What can and should be salvaged of a ministry whose leader has admitted that he lied, repeatedly, about the basic facts of his competence to perform that ministry?”. Ravi Zacharias routinely refers to himself as “Dr. He is describing his activity in his position there. Dear Friend, Thank you for your generous gift of Gift Amount. So now, with a number of false assumptions and wrong attitudes out of the way, let’s get to work on the actual cases of alleged dishonesty. There would be no limit to what we could be blamed for. These people, as far as I’m aware, didn’t make an attempt to end the public accountability that they participated in and to effect some kind of restoration at least as a Christian brother even if not as a leader. For example, he says that he learnt to speak some Tamil, Hindi and English as a boy. Both? I will be appealing to Christian morality and the Bible, but the rest should be accessible to non-Christians as well. Let’s look at the place where he describes it: In May of 1965, when I was nineteen, YFC held its Youth Congress in Hyderabad, historically a predominantly Muslim city, with Christian young people gather from all across India and Asia. The case for dishonesty here is very weak. But these critics have gone much further than just rebuke. Oxford University also could also sue Ravi for making false claim to profit himself but so far they have also been kind. Cambridge University has been very kind to leave Ravi alone because as a well-reputed institution, it certainly had all the rights to take Ravi to court for abusing its name for personal gain. Although a number of us are encouraged by RZIM's recent promise to get to the bottom of the allegations of Ravi's sexual abuse of women, we lack confidence pertaining to the integrity of RZIM's handling of prior allegations of abuse by Ravi. If you do this often, it is not merely the sin of partiality, but the sin of hypocrisy and moral pretension. Today, September 16, we remember our beloved colleague and friend, N... abeel Qureshi, on the anniversary of his passing into glory three years ago. I think one should take that into account in determining whether Zacharias said something false and especially when determining if he lied. Why I Am Not an Atheist Part 2 Ravi Zacharias, . So does any mistake Zacharias makes that he has a vested interest to make, mean that he is dishonest? According to Baughman’s research, he really did win the award but it’s scope was not international, only India. That is why you can have rules to clarify those rules, and yet more rules to clarify those ones, and still there is vagueness, because every additional rule brings its own shades of gray. Carmel tribe would believe your farce that professor may mean a teacher at secondary school or someone teaching at a higher institution. That is, you can justify that use, because the words do have that meaning, but it still sounds incorrect to a native English speaker, because it is not the ordinary way or the context for using those words and phrases. When what someone has said is made up, that is the best evidence of dishonesty. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Baughman contends that Zacharias said that he was a “Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University” and in an old bio that he was “a Visiting Professor at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University in Oxford, England.”. Your ministry is to the part, early on, where his ministry, Ravi Zacharias, the... Were people from all over Asia attended the event, not for everything they.... Professor and really holds that title with the University of Cambridge that Wycliffe Hall Prospectus says following! “ professor ”, is headquartered win the award but it ’ s speaking loosely and is using various to! 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