Zaboor. The first Jinn is Satan or Shaytan as known in Arabic. Also, Ayah Which means “Whoever chooses a religion other then Islam, it will not be accepted from them, and they will be losers in the hereafter.”What is the proof from the Qur’an that Allah is not like the creation?Surat As-Shura, Ayah 11 Means, “Absolutely nothing is like Allah.He is a great Prophet who resembles our beloved Muhammad. It is against Islam to say that Allah is in heaven because Allah exists without a place. Answer: The merciful. Answer: Israel. thank you my brothers and sisters.! RE: tough Islamic trivia questions? Continue | Quit ; Credits: Questions & answers in this quiz were provided by ICNA Southern California Quiz Competition Program. It is also kurfr to say about a matter that is commonly known between Muslims as haram, which is halal and vise-versa. Answer: Firaun’s. One must be sincere to start with, then think whether a benefit will come out of his ordering the good; if not, then he should not act. If they answer ‘yes’ then according to Sharia Law they have committed the crime of blasphemy which is punishable by death and enforced in religious court systems and even within non-Islamic nations they will likely receive death threats from the Muslim community. Their statement is so far from the truth. a) Adam. The word Quran means: Commencement of the menstrual period. Which month is chosen for observing fasting? He claimed prophethood which is against the Qu’ran, Hadith and scholarly consensus of this nation. Allah has no equal. Where did Ibrahim Nabi accommodate Lot Nabi? Allah is not like the creations.Why is it blasphemy to say that the devil creates evil?Because Allah is the only Creator. The ones who had never heard the call of Islam (shahada). Allah existed before the sky 4. 53. Answer: A scheme of life as revealed to Mohammad by Allah. Anything sitting on a chair is either the same size as that chair, or larger, or smaller in all three cases one would be giving Allah a form, and this is impossible. 21. What’s more, they make for excellent ice breaker questions. Religions - Islam Quizzes Hard islamic quiz questions and answers. 66. It was she that tried to seduce Him but He refused and ran to the door. Name the birth place of the forefathers of Nabi Musa: To say that God is a man or like a man is actually attributing weakness to Him. I would like to know if Islamically I can be exempted from voting in a non-Islamic country? When we say that Allah willed for everything to be, we do not mean that Allah loves or accepts everything that happens. 58. Q.2. 79. Name the four kings that conquered the entire world? Which chapter in Quran stresses monotheism? Answer: That it would wipe away the practice of interest on money. Many Arab poets and linguists embraced Islam because of the eloquence and astonishing style of the Qu’ran. A. 71. Allah will create new flesh and the same thing will happen again and again, never ending. Answer: Ramadan. Make sure you know the personal obligatory knowledge and teach it to your children and families. What negative interrogative phrase said by Prophet Ibrahim is sadly misinterpreted?Prophet Ibrahim looked at the sun, moon, and stars and told His people, “This is my lord?” meaning this is not Allah who Alone is worthy or worship. 42. He was really confused. Islamic Religion and Culture. 18. 54. Answer: Son of Yakub Nabi. There is an election coming up on 18 May 2019. 10. Who is the first Caliph after Mohammad? { }This ayah means: All the Angels prostrated for Adam except Iblis (Satan) who was a Jinn that disobeyed his lord.Why do the Muslims say that the existence of Allah is not bound by time or place?Place is for bodies and Allah is not a body. Which part of Quran should one recite during ‘Salah’? This is confirmed by the Qu’ran, Hadith, and scholarly consensus.Why is it blasphemy to say that Allah loves all the creation? Their leader, now dead, was called Ghulam Ahmad from a town called Qadiyan in Pakistan. Anything that changes has a beginning, middle and end. Why? Answer: In Transjordan. Every Muslim will drink from this Hawd before entering Paradise. Who are they known as, and why are they considered blasphemers?They call themselves “The Almadiyyah movement in Islam". Answer: To remind the high values of life even at a random reading. Ramadhaan 3 Huge Selection of Fun Islamic Riddles for All Ages. Answer: Mother of towns. To say that God is man or like a man is actually attributing weakness to God. What are angels called in Zoroastrianism religion? This was before Adam became a Prophet in Paradise. 3. How many subjects as classified are there in Quran? 1) Who is the first prophet in Islam? 5) Which is the month of fasting in Islam? Prophet Muhammad is the first to give shafa^ah by Allah’s Will, and the One who will benefit the most with His shafa^ah shows His great rank. This scholar is deeply respected and appreciated for his many contributions to Islam. 82. Answer: Five times. 51. This is called a negative interrogative, which is  saying something but meaning the opposite. What is the name of the last Juzu in the Qur’an?The last Juzu is called ^Amma or An-Naba. The meaning of the name of Allah An-Nur is: The One who guides the believers to believe; the One who creates guidance in the hearts of the believers. Know that It is not permissible to ask those who do not have knowledge an Islamic Judgement, nor is it permissible for the unqualified person to answer. The Qu’ran is the most special revelation  from Allah to mankind conveying His orders and prohibitions, wisdom, and many other beneficial knowledge. Answer: Hajar al Aswad. The slave only acquires the act. 59. We ask Allah to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and his kind Aal and companions. Prophets never have doubt in Allah, never.I ask Allah to protect us from such blasphemy and misguidance.In the famous Hadith, our beloved Prophet defines 'Iman' (belief) by saying that, “Iman is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Prophets, The Last Day, and Al-Qadar, the good or it and the evil. First is the belief that there is no God but Allah and Muhammd Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam is … which ones were true beleivers? Answer: Mohammad. It is not a scripture that was authored by Prophet Muhammad or Angel Jibreel (Gabriel). Providing them with the basics that all Muslims should know about Allah is the priority. Some people insult  Prophet Adam, who is a great Prophet and our father. Answer: Hadith. Prophet Moses told His people the orders of Allah in the language His people spoke which was Hebrew.The best of us is the one who has the most piety. The Angels place the books on those pans. 38. Answer: In Middle East countries like Arabia, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. Tawrah. Either they are forgiven by Allah and go to Paradise without punishment, or they will be punished for a time in hellfire and then enter Paradise. The duration of iddah of a divorcee woman? Give one example of both a hard body and a light body. Quran is divided into how many parts? These Holy books were revealed in the holy month of Ramadan. Answer: To surrender one’s self to God’s will. 68. 89. 3. A common name is “An-nar”How many surahs are there in the Qur’an?114 surahs.What is one of the thirty parts of the Qur’an called in Arabic?Juzu'What is the age of the people in Paradise?33 years of age.How many days are in the Islamic lunar month?The Islamic lunar month could be 29 or 30 days.What are the names of the four famous Khalifas (rulers)?Abu-bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali were the four guided khalifas (rulers) after our beloved Prophet died.What is the “Golden Rule” concerning our belief of Allah?“Whatever you imagine in your mind is a creation and Allah is not like that.”The largest creation is size is called Al-Arsh. The plural of ‘malak’ is ‘mala'ekah’ which means ’angels’.What is the name of the Prophet’s tribe, and who does it go back to?“Quraysh” ; it goes back to Prophet Isma^il who is the son of Prophet Ibrahim ^alayhimas-salaam.What did the famous Hanafi imam At-Tahawiyy say about Allah in his book called “Al-Aqeedah” (Belief)?Imam At-Tahawiyy, a famous Muslim scholar summarized the Muslim belief in a book called ‘Al-Aqeedah’ over 1,000 years ago. If you feel up to the task, what do you say to a handful of hard trivia questions? The Attributes of Allah are not limited by a number. 40 Top Questions About Islam مﻼﺳﻹا لﻮﺣ ﻻاﺆﺳ 40 [ English - ي ﻠ إ ] Collected by : Ali Ateeq Al-Dhaheri 2013 - 1434 . Where did Ilyās live? Answer: Hud. Answer: Caliph Uthman. Leave me and you will never find the treasure, Use me and you will attain Allah's pleasure. Re: 11 questions about islam which no muslim can ever answer 8. because from time to time, despite the numerous peace treaties, these people always betrayed and break them --- and always waging war against Islam causing chaos over and over again. 50 Questions And Answers On Islamic Monotheism Q1 Who is your Rubb? Allah created the good, blessed it, and ordered it. What is ‘Arafah’? In it he said that Allah is not contained by the six directions: up, down, right, left, front, and back.How old was Prophet Muhammad when he received Prophethood, and where was He?40 years old; He was in a cave called ‘Hira’, on a mountain called ‘Jabalun-nur’.How long was it before Prophet Muhammad received the whole Qur’an?23 yearsIn Islam, a woman is treated with dignity and respect, and not as a sex symbol. This is medicine to our hearts and great enlightenment to our understanding.How can one show that Imam-^Ali loved Abu-Bakr, ^Umar, and ^Uthman?Imam – Ali pledged allegiance to them when they were Khalifahs (Rulers) .Imam- ^Ali named his children (these children were not from Lady Fatimah, the Prophet’s daughter) after them.Imam ^Ali gave his daughter Umm Kalthum (Hassan and Hussien’s sister) in marriage to ^Omar when ^Omar was Khalifah.What does Barak Allahu fik mean?May Allah bless youWhat is one of the proofs that Prophet Muhammad is the greatest Prophet?When our beloved Prophet went to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, He led all the Prophets in prayer. Answer: In Hijas near Syria. Not having complete sincerity to Allah will also erase the reward of a good deed done by Muslims. The collective obligatory knowledge is like knowing the whole Qu’ran or mastering the Arabic language. Satan was never an angel.The Qur’an is divided into thirty divisions, each part is called a Juzu. Sometimes a person finds that he cannot do anything to change a certain situation; in that case he would have to reject it in his heart. Pour yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee to wake up those brain cells, and let’s get started! Pure water sprang from between the fingers of the Holy Prophet; this happened at a time when the Muslims were extremely thirsty and needed to make wudu’ (ablutions). 47. Who are all exempted from observing fasting? The borders of Hegira? This happened other occasions as well. Answers are given at the bottom of this page. This is because they were both Prophets and Messengers Prophet Zakariah was not a Messenger so he followed the laws of the previous Prophet – Messenger who came before him, who was Moses. 36. In the Islamic Quran, an Āyah is a "verse," one of the statements of varying length that make up the chapters (surah) of the Quran and are marked by a number. Every mercy from Him is due to His generosity and every punishment from Him is just. The young man, who was shocked and hurt by the slap became confused, "Why do are you angry at me?" Answer: In Sodom. ... such as respect for education, hard work, … Allah can do with His creations whatever He wills. One may donate a million dollars to build a mosque to show off in front of the people and receive nothing for that in the hereafter. 2) Who is the last prophet in Islam? 94. Who is Yūsuf Nabi? Islamic Quiz Questions and Answers Part 3 . The people of Paradise thank Allah every moment for his generosity.What is the “Mizan” in the hereafter?The Mizan in the hereafter is like a balance with two pans. Below are 20 quizzes dedicated to Islam, one of the fastest-growing religions in the UK. He migrated because Allah Ordered Him and His followers to move to Medina which is north of Mecca.What does it mean when we say that, “Allah is Just in all His doings”?This means that Allah does whatever He wills. My Rubb is Allah Who has created me and all that exists. Answer: Faith, rituals, virtues, dealings, punishments. Answer: Caliph Abu Bakr. Angels perform different tasks.What is the proof from the Qu’ran that Angels never disobey Allah?This Ayah in Surat At-Tahrim means that Angels always do what they are ordered to do.Many scholars mentioned that a Muslim must know at least 13 attributes of Allah. 8. Answer: In three ways. 11. Who was the third Caliph? They were given the highest level of moral character and conduct. 13. 1. Allah sent them as teachers to humanity to guide them from darkness into light. Test Your Knowledge - Islamic Quiz 2008 1. Unfortunately, these days we notice many parents stress on Quran recitation more than anything else. 2. 95. Many of the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-jama^ah mentioned in their books the obligation of knowing these attributes.What is the proof from the Qu’ran that Satan (Shaytan) was not an angel, but rather a jinn? Snakes and other earth animals eat away their bodies. Beware of those who try to act like Imams while not even having the obligatory knowledge. Many people speak carelessly and when crossing the borders by saying something wrong, they try to justify their mistake by saying “What you say doesn’t matter; all that matters is your intentions”. 1. The Entire Quran Audio - Minshawi Tarteel. b) Ramzan The Qu’ran is read for the dead Muslims, and this helps them by Allah’s will. Allah is neither a light nor hard body. Home Islamic Stories Miracle Pictures Muslim Baby Names Islamic Jokes Islamic Riddles Questions and Answers 99 Names of Allah Islamic Quizzes Salat Duas Azan MP3 More Services... Online Islamic Quizzes for Children and Adults Learn, my Muslim friends, as much as you can about Islam; don’t waste your valuable time. Question & Answers (0) There are three members in Abdullah's Family. Answer: Hujurat. A. What is this special night  known as, and what month am I referring to?Laylat Al-Qadar (The night of high virtue), and Ramadan.What are the names of the elite jurists of the four famous school of Islamic guidance and law?Imam Malik, Imam Abu-Hanifa, Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy, and Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal.Prophet Ibrahim never worshipped anyone other than Allah. The bridge (sirat) extends over the hellfire, one edge of it is on the changed earth, while the other edge is on what leads to Paradise. A Prophet who is also a Messenger comes with a new set of laws which sometimes erase some of the laws brought by the previous messenger. The Prophet wouldn’t have told us that a person may utter a word he thinks is harmless, and that word will lead him to become a kafir. 23. Who is the official spokesman of Quran? Our attribute of speech is created. I am contemplating on writing to the Electoral Commission in order to be exempted from voting. Islam Question & Answer is a site that aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to anyone's question about Islam Tuesday 5 Jumada al-akhirah 1442 - 19 January 2021 English They have a choice but always choose to obey Allah. Everyone will eventually cross over the Sirat. My religion is Islam, which … Allah has no equal or similar.Angels are made from light and have wings. He explained the Qu’ran and authored many books. 29. Which race is considered as the descendants of Ishaq? twitter facebook pinterest tumblr reddit. Answer: In Palestine. This does not mean to degrade women, but rather it is saying the truth Al-Qu’ran is teaching us about Angels. Answer: 950 years. In Al-^Aqeedah he said that if a person hit glass with a stone and broke it, then the acts of hitting and breaking and the state of the glass being broken were created by Allah. The Prophet is the bravest of all creations. Professor Ira Lapidus in his book, A History of Islamic Societies writes: “The question of why people convert to Islam has always generated intense feeling. It is impossible to mean ‘light’ when referred to Allah, because Allah is not like His creations.What is one of the common names for ‘hellfire’ in Arabic?Hellfire has many names in Arabic. My Rubb is Allah Who has created me and all that exists. No one would hear the kafir screaming except the animals around the grave. Hold firmly to it!It is blasphemy to degrade any of the Prophets Allah sent to us. Allah exists without a place and cannot be imagined in the minds. No prophet ever had doubt for a slight second in the Oneness of Allah. Answer: After an iddah. The companions did not just write books and give them away, but rather they explained face-to-face the details of the knowledge given to them by the Messenger of Allah. Which part of Quran declares there is no community without prophets? Some refer to it as the throne.What will happen to some of the Muslims who died without repenting from their major sins?Some will be forgiven and go to Paradise without any punishment. Which is the native place of Lot Nabi? He is not questioned for what He does. Islamic Terms 10 questions Average , 10 Qns, WiseTao, May 14 04 Arabic is a hard language, so let's see if you can decipher some of its terms relating to Islam! people cannot fall into the same hole twice. How many times does one go round Kaaba in one Tawaf? Answer: Sodom. Joking is not an excuse for blasphemy. A. Answer: Khadīja bint Khuwaylid. 90. The Ayah in Surat-al-Ahzab  means , “He is the Messenger of Allah, and the last of all the Prophets.”  This ayah refers to Prophet Muhammad.Prophet Yusuf was one of the most handsome men. Answer: Thamud Community. There were no Prophets between Jesus and Muhammed. How could He love someone and send them to hellfire forever?Who came with a book called “Al-Injeel” and how do we say that Prophet’s name in Arabic?Prophet Jesus came with Al-Injeel, which is the true Bible and not the one we see today since it contains many statements insulting Allah and His Prophets. 70. Which of The Companions of The Prophet Pbuh Recorded The Divine Revelation? Answer: Because they ran errands between the creator and the created. The Prophet told us that whoever knows of evil should exert effort to change it with his hand, if not able, than with his tongue, if not able than with his heart and that is the least one could do.O Allah, give us wisdom in all our actions, ameeen.Why is having complete sincerity for Allah in your good actions essential?Without true sincerity for the sake of Allah, the good actions one does will be of no benefit on the Day of Judgment. Who is An-Nasafiyy and what did he say about Allah in his famous book?An-Nasafiyy was a great Muslim scholar who lived over 900 years ago. Those who say that there are many so-called Gods limit them in power and knowledge. Answer: Till the woman undergoes three menstruations after her divorce. The body of the kafir will burn until every piece of flesh is off of it. Where was Ibrahim Nabi born? Their statements is a proof to their ignorance.Why is it so dangerous to speak without knowledge in Islam?The Prophet told us that a place in hellfire is prepared for the person who speaks without knowledge. Allah made the Angels from light. Blasphemy by conviction is to believe that Allah is a body, light, or spirit, or to believe that Islam is not true. The best answers are those who are supported by proof from Qur'an, Alsunna, and Ijma^ scholarly consensus, and based on that, our questions are answered.A concerned mother asks: What should I teach my children first, Quran, Iman, or Prayer?Answer:Since Iman in Allah and His Messenger is the foundation upon which all actions of worship depend on, the methodology of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is to fortify the knowledge pertaining to knowing Allah and His Messenger. 30. Why do Muslims observe ‘Salah’? How old was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Who are they? Imam ^Ali said that people are either scholars, students, or the ignorant people who follow anything. What all are the subject matters dealt in Quran? No one gets old or sick, bored or depressed. 1. Knowledge must be sought from those who can trace their knowledge back leading to the Prophet Himself. These are great questions to ask because they test the participants on their biology, zoology and even sometimes chemistry knowledge. He did not “flee to Medina” as falsely said in some books. 4. Answer: Juz. thus expelling them was the final step as to prevent their harm anymore. Allah made Jesus without a father and made Adam without either father or mother; yet we haven’t heard anyone call Adam God’s son. 91. The animals will be turned into sand. Answer: Islamic quiz questions . What is the stone fixed in the wall on the corner of Kaaba called? Anyone who is weak is not God. 52. Please give more detail on this judgment.Some people these days degrade Prophets without even noticing. "I really don't understand," the young man said. When predominantly Christian Europe was mired into the Dark Ages of the medieval period, Islamic culture experienced its "golden age," producing and preserving knowledge that would shape the future of astronomy, medicine, education, chemistry and literature. 86. Answer: Mecca. Where is Sodom located? Prophet Muhammad told us that the companions are like stars in the sky, full of light and guidance. If you can answer these questions for me i would be the happiest!!! Where did the Thamud Community live? There are snakes in hellfire the size of rivers which terrify and harm. That shot would be so severe that it would level a mountain if it hit it. Be warned of the wahhabbi faction who try to claim Allah was in the sky; this is clear blasphemy because Allah is not a body and exists without a place. 48. Why are the philosophic teachings in Quran repeated? If that was the case, the Prophet wouldn’t have told us that most of the sins people commit are from their tongues. It is blasphemy to have doubt in heaven, hell, or the day of judgment. What will the kafir say while seeing this happen?The kafir will say “I wish I was sand” which means “I wish I lived my life as an animal and turned into sand rather than being a kafir.It is strongly recommended to visit the Prophet’s grave in Medina and give him salaam. Name each part is called a negative interrogative, which is saying the truth Al-Qu ran... He would repent immediately before anyone would imitate Him in that manner be. The rays of sunshine ice breaker questions. questions. absolutely not correct because the are. All Muslims should know about Allah is neither a light nor hard body… -! Scholar, `` why do are you angry at me? * 6 * 8 * 9 3 by. To Mohammad by Allah ’ s nation that God is a meaning of a made! Loves all the creation and does not mean that Allah loves all the creation and not the Creator not. Prophet Moses came with were slightly different from the evil purge man of chains! 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