(k) Appeal bond. An officer will pick up the trap and, if necessary, leave another empty trap in its place. The … No. (2) If any animal under quarantine dies while under observation and before a diagnosis has been made, the animal care officer shall immediately take action to notify the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment which will take action to obtain a pathological and inoculation examination of the animal. When, at a hearing for release or destruction, an owner of an animal that has been found by the municipal court, by a preponderance of the evidence, to have violated any provision of section 14-75, the animal shall be destroyed unless the owner produces evidence deemed sufficient by the court pursuant to section 14-75(e) that the pit bull or restricted breed of dog is to be permanently taken out of the city. 14-75. View ordinance (Section: 6.12.160) If you are renting, also make sure to check with your landlord or apartment rental company about any animal or breed-specific bans, regardless of the city laws. Notice of the entry shall be given by posting such notification at an entrance to or at a conspicuous place upon such area or building where such animal is confined. They shall be authorized to issue, sign and serve summonses and complaints and to make all determinations within their discretion in compliance with this chapter. In no event shall the permit authorize the possession of more than ten cats. Microchip means an electronic transponder intended for the subcutaneous insertion into an animal for the use of identification. Such confinement may be on the premises of the owner if deemed an appropriate and sufficient safeguard in the discretion of the animal care officer. (2) The owner of the pit bull or restricted breed of dog shall keep current the license for such pit bull or restricted breed of dog through annual renewal. This even includes 4-H members since county fairs, Colorado State Fair and other exhibitions (both in state and out of state) require it as part of the enrollment process. CO - Aurora - Chapter 14 - ANIMALS : The following comprises Aurora, Colorado's animal-related ordinances. No. A signed statement from a licensed veterinarian is required and shall state specifically the medical grounds for the exemption. In determining whether the animal can be safely maintained, cared for and controlled by its owner, the judge shall consider all relevant and reliable evidence, whether or not the evidence is admissible at trial, including, without limitation, pre-bite or post-bite behavior indicative of vicious, aggressive or dangerous tendencies regardless of impoundment status; however, the mere absence of other instances of post-bite vicious, aggressive or dangerous behavior, regardless of impoundment status, shall not be sufficient to support a finding in favor of release. A person commits cruelty to animals if he or she knowingly or with criminal negligence overdrives, overworks, tortures, torments, deprives of necessary sustenance, unnecessarily or cruelly beats, needlessly mutilates, needlessly kills or, having the charge or custody of any animal, fails to provide it with proper food, drink or protection from the weather or abandons it. The term "guard dog" shall mean any dog trained or used to protect persons or property by attacking or threatening to attack any person found within the area patrolled by the dog and that is either securely enclosed within that area at all times or under the continuous control of a trained handler. Additionally, the owner must consent to an in-home inspection by the animal care division within 30 days of release for the purpose of verifying the dog's removal from the city. This section does not apply to a registered rescue group or animal welfare society. This subsection shall not apply to the owner or controller of such animal if such animal is confined to a cage or enclosure of adequate construction to prevent its escape therefrom and provides proper ventilation. No. Not withstanding subsection (b) of this section, if the animal care officer or authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that the keeping or the maintaining of any animal is so hazardous, unsafe or dangerous as to require immediate inspection to safeguard the animal or the public health or safety, the animal care officer shall have the right immediately to enter and inspect such property and may use any reasonable means required to effect such entry and make such inspection, whether such property is occupied or unoccupied and whether or not permission to inspect has been obtained. Hybrid means any offspring of two animals of different breeds, varieties, species or genera. (f) Maintenance. (b) Inspection procedure. (1) A fancier's permit may be issued for American Kennel Club (AKC) registered dogs for the possession of up to six intact dogs, or eight intact dogs if at least two are actively being shown at a current AKC dog show. (d) License tags. Animals shall be provided with fresh air, either by means of windows, doors or vents, which shall be ventilated so as to minimize draft, odors and moisture condensation. Aurora is Colorado's third largest city with a diverse population of more than 381,000. All litters, or a portion thereof, of puppies or kittens that are to be whelped, queened, sold, traded, bartered, given away, or otherwise transferred within the City of Aurora shall have a litter permit and registration number. Livestock means any domesticated animal, including but not limited to equine, bovine genus, ruminantia, sheep, goats, pigs, peacocks, turkeys, chickens, pigeons, ducks, geese, ratite or other poultry or fowl or mink. 97-51, § 2, 10-13-97; Ord. (e) Notice. If the owner cannot be located or does not claim the excess funds within 30 days after the sale by presenting satisfactory evidence of ownership, the excess, if any, shall be used to defray those costs incurred by the city for the impounding, boarding and sale of such animals. (4) Any animal enclosed within the automobile or other vehicle of its owner or custodian shall be deemed to be upon the owner's or custodian's premises. Stories of dog attacks are frightening, but Aurora citizens should know the city has a strong ordinance and effective process for dealing with these animals and their owners. The ordinance requires a permit before any chickens are allowed on the property, and there are specific requirements for the chicken coop. All expenses that were incurred as a result of confinement shall be paid by the owner. Yes if you are associated with animal agriculture in any way whether it be commercial production or exhibition. 2004-52, § 1, 8-23-2004). Cat, spayed/neutered means any cat upon which spaying or other neutering procedure has been performed by a licensed veterinarian and accompanied by a certificate asserting such operation or other procedure has been performed. Aurora city ordinances allow up to six hens per single-family residential property of up to 20,000 square feet, and up to eight hens on single-family residential property of more than 20,000 square feet. Sec. Mistreatment means every act or omission which causes or unreasonably permits the continuation of unnecessary abuse or unjustifiable pain or suffering. Aurora, like many cities, rushed to create laws and inadvertently created problems in identifying these animals and restricting them. The City of Aurora, Colorado initiated an or-dinance that includes these provisions, and ex-cerpts from that ordinance are included in this fact sheet. First, the city makes it unlawful to own, possess or keep any dog, rabbit, or cat over the age of 6 months that has not been spayed or neutered (subject to some exceptions). The owner must make application for the permit to the animal care division within 14 days of taking custody of the additional cats. The Animal Protection Officer needs the exact address of the residence of the barking animal in order to address concerns with the owner. The city holds owners responsible for keeping their pets well-socialized and under control at all times. Household pet does not include livestock or potbellied pigs. A warning sign shall be affixed to the gate of the structure notifying people a pit bull or restricted breed of dog is contained within. The following comprises Aurora, Colorado's animal-related ordinances. (2) "Muzzle" for purposes of this chapter, shall mean a restraining device made of metal, plastic, leather, cloth or a combination of these materials that, when fitted and fastened over a snout/mouth/head, prevents the dog from biting but allows room for the dog to breath and pant. The owner must make application for the permit to the animal care division within 14 days of taking custody of the additional dogs. The dog must not be able to enter upon public property, including sidewalks or the premises of another. Sec. The ordinance requires a permit before any chickens are allowed on the property. (11) Feeding. (3) All actual costs of publication of the notice of sale. (a) License required. - FERRETS AND RABBITS. (2) Water. A separate license is required for each location within the city of Aurora. Any person found guilty of violating this section shall, upon the first conviction, be subject to the payment of a fine of not less than $15.00, upon the conviction of a second offense occurring within a one-year period shall be fined a sum not less than $25.00, and upon the third and subsequent offenses committed within a one-year period shall be fined an amount not less than $75.00 nor more than $1,000.00. The term "public place" shall include but not be limited to streets, highways, areas exterior to shops or businesses, carnivals, sidewalks and flea markets. Whenever it becomes necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of or to perform any duty imposed by this chapter or other applicable law or whenever the animal care officer or authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises any violation of the provisions of this chapter or other applicable law, the animal care officer or authorized representative is authorized to enter such property at any reasonable time and to inspect the property and perform any duty imposed upon the animal care officer by this chapter or by other applicable law, provided that: (1) If such property is occupied, the animal care officer shall first present proper credentials to the occupant and request and obtain permission for entry, explaining the reasons therefor; or. COMMERCE CITY, Colo. — Commerce City's council made changes to its animal regulations that will allow people to own pit bulls and pit bull terrier breeds starting Monday. 2004-52, § 4, 8-23-2004). Any animal owner whose animal, whether or not running at large, destroys, damages or injures any shrubbery, plants, flowers, grass, lawn, fence or anything whatsoever upon any public property or upon any private property, when permission of the owner or tenant of the property has not been obtained, shall be in violation of this chapter and such is declared to be a public nuisance. Tomorrow night is the final reading and vote for Aurora City Council. 2006-75, § 1, 1-8-2007). The city manager shall promulgate the fees relevant to this chapter in accordance with city procedures concerning administrative charges for city services. 14-3. (e) Penalty. AURORA , CO 1-27-05 -- Pit-bull owner Wayne Forst has complied with all the city ordinances to keep his dog Lazerus in his home, including posting a sign next to his front door. In addition to the standard ordinances dealing with number restrictions, at-large animals, barking dogs, and licensing, the city has two important provisions. ARTICLE III. (Code 1979, § 7-31; Ord. No. (14) Failure to comply with any of these conditions shall result in a revocation of the license, impoundment and disposition pursuant to subsection (e) of this section. (2) Boarding, actual costs incurred for boarding to be paid to the stable owner. Dogs maintained as guard dogs, as defined in section 14-74 and in compliance with such section, shall not be included under this section. If, after final appeal, it is determined that the animal should not be surrendered or destroyed and that the order for surrender or destruction was entered in error, the fees posted as a condition of the stay of execution pursuant to subsection (k)(2) of this section shall be refunded to the appellant and the animal shall be released to the owner. 97-51, § 3, 10-13-97; Ord. However, the sponsor of the exhibition, contest, or show must receive written permission from the city manager or designee, must obtain any other permits or licenses required by city ordinance, and must provide protective measures adequate to prevent pit bulls or restricted breeds from escaping or injuring the public. A majority of Aurora lawmakers voted to remove the long-standing ban on American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers and Staffordshire bull terriers during a Monday city council meeting. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have meanings ascribed to them in this section: (1) Apiary shall mean a place where bee colonies are kept. No. (4) The owner shall present to the city manager or designee proof that the owner has homeowner's or renter's insurance with a minimum of $100,000.00 for liability coverage which will cover any damage or injury caused by a pit bull or restricted breed of dog during the twelve month period covered by the pit bull or restricted breed of dog license. (2) Individuals exceeding the allowable number of cats at the time of the enactment of the ordinance from which this section derives may be permitted excess allowable number of cats if the specific existing cats were licensed by the animal care division at the time this section became effective on February 18, 1994. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any such animal to fail or refuse to produce the animal on demand. The Rules, Administration and Procedures Committee will hold a special meeting at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday to begin the process of looking into if the city wants to … (5) Any species of feline not falling within the categories of ordinary domesticated house cats. Only one litter of offspring may be kept on the premises until the age of four months. (10) Housekeeping. No summons and complaint shall be issued nor shall there be a conviction for violation of this section unless there are at least two or more complaining witnesses from separate households who shall have signed such complaint and shall have testified at trial. In any instance in which a colony exhibits unusually aggressive characteristics by stinging or attempting to sting without due provocation or exhibits an unusual disposition towards swarming, it shall be the duty of the beekeeper to re-queen the colony. Sec. (5) No dog shall be deemed to be running at large when the dog is upon the premises of a city dedicated off-leash dog park. A person shall not display any dog or cat in a public place for the purpose of selling or giving the animal away. The State of Colorado revised statutes are made available for public use by the Committee on Legal Services of the Colorado General Assembly. Animal Protection Officers Ordinances & Enforcement Wildlife Phone: 303.326.8288. It went into place on January 1, 2020, and residents of Denver can now keep various restricted breeds, such as pit bulls, American Staffordshire Terriers, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers as pets. (c) Exceptions. (10) Any animal that is not indigenous to the state and is not classified as a household pet. One Day - $75 Sunday or Sunday Class starts at 8:30AM to 3:30PM. Trash and Recycling Curbside Collection Residential trash and recycling pick-up is not a city-provided service. Services available: … An Animal Protection Officer will attempt to capture it and bring it to the animal shelter to keep it safe until its owners claim it. 2002-70, § 4, 11-18-2002). In addition to the standard ordinances dealing with number restrictions, at-large animals, barking dogs, and licensing, the city has two important provisions. 2002-70, § 2, 11-18-2002). - Destruction of injured animals. - Keeping wild, exotic or dangerous animals or livestock. 2002-70, § 2, 11-18-2002; Ord. (e) Impoundment. Sec. A one-year animal license shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance. More information, This ordinance makes it unlawful to allow a dog to bark, yelp or howl to such an extent that it disturbs neighbors or passersby. ... order the animal to be surrendered to the Aurora Animal Care Division or destroyed in a humane manner under the supervision of the animal care officer. Such signs shall be in lettering clearly visible from either the curbline or a distance of 50 feet, whichever is less, and shall contain a telephone number where some person responsible for controlling such guard dog can be reached 24 hours a day; and. Leashes may not be attached to inanimate objects. What the public was told during the past year is that the comprehensive animal control law passed in November works to remedy that, in conjunction with the ban. Sec. (b) Penalty. (i) Fails to pay fees; penalty. (8) No pit bull or restricted breed of dog may be kept on a porch, patio or in any part of a house or structure that would allow the dog to exit such building on its own volition. No. (c) Sale. (i) Prohibited. At least one such sign shall be posted at each driveway or entranceway to the premises. Every owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any premises where any animal is kept shall ensure all equipment, buildings and facilities are constructed and maintained to not less than the following standards: (1) Structural strength. Aurora Animal Services needs the exact address of the residence of the barking animal. Second, it is unlawful for any person to have, own, possess, keep, exercise control over, maintain, harbor, transport, or sell within the city any pit bull or restricted breed of dog. 14-2. - Running at large. For the purposes of this chapter, the term "fierce, vicious, aggressive or dangerous animal" shall mean any dog or other animal that, without intentional provocation, bites or attacks humans or other animals or in a fierce, vicious, aggressive, dangerous or in a terrorizing manner approaches any person or other animal in an apparent attitude of attack, whether or not the attack is consummated or capable of being consummated. County policies and procedures are available to the public and updated regularly. Cindy Manzano is a shareholder at FJGG who practices real estate, association, litigation and construction law. It shall also be unlawful under this chapter to permit excessive excrement to accumulate on any property to the degree that it becomes offensive or injurious to health. (Ord. If not on the owner's premises, the confinement shall be at the city animal shelter or any licensed veterinary hospital of the owner's choice. Upon impoundment of a dog for violation of this section, the animal care officer or police officer shall attempt to locate and notify the absent owner by any reasonable means as readily as possible. Upon the sale of the horse, cow or other livestock at public or private sale as provided in this section, the city shall execute to the buyer thereof a bill of sale describing the animal, and the bill of sale shall extinguish any prior title or interest of any other person claiming an interest in the animal. Licensing a company to conduct business in Aurora begins with the … Animal shelter means any premises designated by the city manager for the humane boarding and caring for any animal impounded under this chapter or any other ordinance or laws of the state. If any animal is found to be confined without adequate food or water, it shall be lawful for any police officer or animal care officer, from time to time as may be necessary, to enter into and upon any area or building where such animal is confined and supply it with adequate food and water in accordance with the procedures found in section 14-2. (12) Fencing. (d) Penalty. (b) Fees. A separate website provides those items that have been "adopted by reference" in the City of Longmont's Municipal Code. The ordinance requires a permit before any chickens are allowed on the property. (2) The animal care division may temporarily transport and harbor any pit bull or restricted breed of dog for purposes of enforcing the provisions of this chapter. After a multi-year review process, Aurora Animal Services, in conjunction with the City Attorney’s Office, has proposed changes to Chapter 14 of the city’s Code of Ordinances regarding animals. - Unlawful keeping of pit bulls or restricted breed of dog. 14-102. (c) Setback. Any "person" (person de fined as a sole proprietor, partnership, LLC or corporation, i ncluding non-profit organizations) who conducts business activities within the city of Aurora, regardless of the physical location of the business, is required to have a business license. From the proceeds of the sale, there shall be withheld all costs incurred in impounding, boarding, veterinary care and advertising and conducting the sale, and any excess remaining shall be returned to the owner, if known. Enforcement of the ban began February 2006. Any person found guilty of violating this section shall, upon the first conviction, be subject to the payment of a fine of not less than $150.00, upon the second conviction shall be fined not less than $500.00, and upon the third and any subsequent convictions shall be fined not less than $1,000.00. Must also be removed immediately from the date given on that prognosis shall become the expiration date of the animal! The subcutaneous insertion into an animal shelter shall not affect its status under this section be... Colorado has repealed its `` pit bull '' dog ban elements for the dog obtained and! 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