Yes l do believe that we Black Africans are direct descendants of the Ham and to a greater extent of Shem (Hebrew people). I was born in the USA and for 59 years I read the Bible and came to the same conclusion in your article. African Americans aren’t the only Hebrews not every body was taken as salves. everyone had better find it within themselves to follow the mindset of the one and only son of God because his way is his Fathers way. Middle Eastern decent. So, today I came upon your article. They’re many Black Ppl who haven’t waxed pale. I read the Bible and came to the same conclusion in your article. Your comment is awaiting moderation Genesis 25:19-25 speaks about Isaac’s wife being pregnant. YES AMERICA & EVERY OTHER COUNTRY DO. Its people are Africans, not Europeans. Africa was also called Kemet, Libya, Ortegia, Corphye, Egypt, Ethiopia and/or Sedan, Olympia, Hesperia, Oceania, and Ta-Merry. His sons cannot be white. Guiding light. People read the bible all wrong all of the time. I was lucky to have been given that from many different types of people. Forget about it! Arabs are descendants of Abraham from the line of Shem, whereas black people are descendants of Ham through the line of Ham. My Great grandfather pass the knowledge to us and still keeping it our memories….Im an Akan( Ashanti) , I came across AKAN as Horites in the bible which made me to begin and search for the truth I ask my grandfather i saw some family names in ancient Eypyt dynasty ( names like kufu, amosi tutankhamun, etc) and so many names in bible which are from akan tribe, gbe tribe which we live together. Who cares what color God or Jesus is. That had to be God working through them. Some of the names are given with a proposed etymological meaning. ARJANA, paradise. As a woman of color I will admit, it is hard to grow up without authentic history. But take note that prophecy about Jacob becoming greater than Esau was fulfilled to a greater extent because Jesus the Lion King of Judah was born from the line of Jacob who also called Israel. Ahumai, according to 1 Chronicles 4:2, was the name of a clan within the Tribe of Judah. My recommendation is a better book entitled, Black Presence in the Bible written in the mid 90s. Therefore, African Americans who have converted to the Nation of Islam have exchange their white slave name in for an Arabic one. People would laught at me some said I was crazy because they said Jesus was white. Azania (Xhosa) West Africa (Hausa) M M Wether if you are true Jew or not, we don’t know who they will be…. Let’s all get it together! what are you hiding; every thing/body is celebrated but AFRICA/AFRICANS/DESCENDANTS of African Americans, what is it that everybody knows about us that we don’t know; WE come from KINGS & QUEENS; in America & everywhere else, why do they put Blacks down only? now look at what’s happening there because Europeans(America) wanted to be seen us autonomous and powerful so convince Gaddafi own people and set confusion among them to betray him and they will also steal their resources and history….. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? HE WHO WINS THE WAR WRITES HIS OWN HISTORY. Have you forgotten Joseph? For the "Agaba" of 1 Esdras 5:30, see Hagab.. Ahumai. Brunelda: Brunelda, the Afrikaans form of Brunilda, is frequently used in South Africa. REMEMBER there were some groups of African tribes were there was no stealing and corruption on their lands before introduction of whites man culture…. Moses was a Hebrew, Red does not mean white it red soil the ground the georgrphic location is Edom Edomnites nations Esua was the father of Edom the nations of Edomnites…. Kathie this article is speaking mainly on the Canaanites, which I agree, were Africans, however Mary, Joseph, and Jesus (as man) were from Nazareth, which is Asia. Nevertheless, this article is a modest attempt to know some African names and their meanings (etymological) without delving into the linguistic or cultural significance of these African baby names. HERE IS THE PATIENCE AND THE FAITH OF THE SAINTS. Why would this change of color be so amazing that the people would believe him? It also showed that the Garden itself was planted in Eden/Africa in the East, in Ethiopia, to be precise. (check all that apply),,,,,, | The Art & Science of African Names. Malachi 1:2-4 (KJV) I have loved you, saith the LORD. Second World War correspondents introduced the new name Middle-East for the portion of the land separated from the African mainland. Understanding of deep African truths in the bible that is misinterpret by blacks Period. APIYO, (the one who comes quickly) the first-born of twins. People would laught at me some said I was crazy because they said Jesus was white. But the white man called them philistines… Anyway it our prove might sound weird but I think finding the truth will help you and i to build our African foundations …. Do you have BIBLICAL names to share? It is called the Land of Cush. The accompanying maps help corroborate this. This names can be found in particular tribes in Ghana ,Benin,Togo, Nigeria ,Mali cote dvoire so on and so for… please search will … my last statement is ,do you know who they call philistines , my great grandfather pass it on to us we have our fellow black guys who worship the gods of dagon so they settle first in Ghana and the akans dwell as neighbours among them , anything there is fight the gong gong beater will alarm their people saying dagonmba are coming….” mba ” in my language is children …. Nowadays, parents continue to treasure the ancient tradition of choosing a name from the Bible—a name that will hold particular significance for their child. Bibi: The name Bibi is often reserved for the daughter of the king. KHANYISA CHIONESU : KAHN-YEE-sah chee-oh-NEH-soo : Bring forth light. This is the land that was known as North-Eastern Africa. God loves us all! ATIENO, born in the evening (or night) AWITI, … It is written יהוה in Hebrew and is usually rendered “Jehovah” in English. Can you find meaning in my name, Your email address will not be published. Biblical names have remained popular since the Bible was first written down. His descendants are named after him as Canaanites in the Bible. Phut ruled the whole land known today as Libya. For the descendants of "Accaba" (1 Esdras 5:30, Revised Version), see the entry for Hagab. The borders of this land that Canaan and his African descendants lived in and ruled, according to the Bible (Gen 10: 19), extended “from Sidon as thou comest to Gerar unto Gaza and goest unto Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zoboim, even unto Lasha.” Canaan is the son of Ham, an African. It is in North-Eastern Africa, not Europe. (REALLY RED) YOUR ANCESTORS ENSLAVED AND KILLED OVER 200 MILLION PEOPLE AND STOLE THERE LAND. Thousands of years ago, before our heritage, language, and identity of so called African Americans were stripped from them, we were known as Jews. 2 very separate and distinct nations so that sentence in your article is not only misleading, but also factually incorrect. I have been teaching and writing that the Bible was written by African and it was our history, culture, religion and God contained in it’s pages. If the meaning behind a name matters to you, be sure to look up the stories associated with these names before bestowing them upon your newborn. I love the old map because everything was changed to confuse people. My name is Kathie Patterson I am on facebook. Revelation 13:9-10 (KJV) If any man have an ear, let him hear. I am 66 now and I am feeling great brcause I read your article. but this much is true…. Canaan is the son of Ham, an African. Then adding the ham part would make more sense. ). Required fields are marked *, “One thing that sets this book apart from other name books is that it makes clear that it’s not just for babies.” - Los Angeles Times, “There is a lot more to Dr. Askhari Johnson Hodari’s book than its list of more than 5,000 African names. I look like I am 42 because the creator blessed me with great beautiful skin. My grandfather told me do you remember we were told not to go to farm on a certain day which is a taboo. So, thank you for your sharing the truth with us. Some may still argue that the only rivers that seem to belong to Africa are the Pison/White Nile and the Gihon/Blue Nile, not the Tigris/Hiddekel or the Euphrates. These products were found in antiquity principally in the area now known as the Sudan. This same time happen to the Akans among themselves convincing the fanti’s who are the first to interact with them which they use them as a tool against the other tribes … Only the rebellious Ashanti fought with the Europeans… The question I was asking myself was how could name like (kufu,tutankhamun ,Amosi,etc ) could be found in Eypytians tombs and some of the group there can be found in west Africa…Then meaning there was invasion there and they enter africa again through Ghana which have the some of the groups which can be found in Eypyt dynasty … Then the Europeans with the help of arabs know the real people of kingship….. Africans are into extended family not nuclear families as it on going you cant just go and sell someones child as at that time …. I was born in the USA and for 59 years. Educate yourself using your own Bible in the comfort of your own home with the assistance of this priceless book available to you for … 114. SO CALLED BLACKS AFRICAN AMERICANS NEGROS ARE THE REAL JEWS HEBREW ISRAELITES. Your email address will not be published. Sudan is in Africa. Candy, African Slaves, to date descendants of slaves; our fore-parents against their will was brought over here without their riches; look up what products/services/natural resources/gold/silver/diamonds all kinds comes from AFRICA; Candy did you know to date there are 2 Americans white America & just America. I have been teaching and writing that the Bible was written by African and it was our history, culture, religion and God contained in it’s pages. The Bible is so clear that the people, countries and nations in the Bible belonged to Africa and Africans, not to Europe and Europeans. ADJOA, Monday-born. BLACK PPL are still here. They range in popularity as well from familiar faces like Rachel and Sarah to unique finds like Keturah and Rhoda. The book is also about the meaning of names, the power of names to change us, the role of names in connecting people to their histories, the expectations that If so, please share these names in the comments section. This is the Land of Africa where Abraham lived for 10 years and married Hagar the Egyptian (Gen 15: 3). His descendants are Africans, not white. Even they stole Ashanti system of ruling and fighting technics search for yourselves … other Europeans stole other Africans system of culture and technics tooo …. Reply, Kathie Patterson That means that no matter where you feel you fit in this story… if you don’t love God & your neighbor, I mean really, truly, genuinely love… God says he does not know you… that’s the truth! Cush ruled the Sudan. someone will ask prove it with the bible, I will prove it will with names which they corrupted most of it …. She said that the babies struggled with each other within her. My grandfather told me do you remember we were told not to go to farm on a certain day which is a taboo. African countries in the Bible …let the maps speak, Breaking through pessimism against the land revolution, The European invasions of East Asia: Part Seven …Japan’s failed attempt to take China, Over mediation…the growing gap between messaging and engagement, COVID-19, immunity myth …the folly plays on, African women and the significance of a head-wrap (Dhuku). The scripture tells us that The MOST HIGH chose a ppl from the linage of ABRAHAM to be a special ppl unto Him FOREVER. ABRAHAM ABRAHAM! African culture is more akin or closely linked with Hebrew culture of old as reported in the law of Moses where purity or cleanliness in worship of the true God Jehovah or Yahweh was strictly observed. Birth is the same, death is the same, and any miracles God does, isn’t bigger or more, depending on someones color. If you died with Christ, sin also died, and you will not hate your fellow brother. Times Up. Africa as Known to the Ancients: Naturally the most considerable part of Africa known to the Hebrews was Egypt itself, but Libya is regarded as being referred to under the names of Lehabim and Lubim (Ludim) (Gen 10:13; 2 Ch 12:3)--words indicating, as often with the Semites, not the country itself, but its inhabitants. This is contrary to maps of Africa today which only show the main body of the continent as Africa with the Suez Canal as its north eastern border. Genesis 10:6-20 describes the descendants of Ham as being in North Africa, Central Africa … I love the old map because everything was changed to confuse people. THE NEW TESTAMENT SAYS YE CHILDREN’S OF ISRAEL YE DAUGHTERS OF SARAH AND YE STOCK OF ABRAHAM… God is exposing all the lies that we have been told by these fake Jews currently in Israel. Europeans came from Noah’s son Japath who would of been dark complected. I would really love to find out more about this name which is both my husband & are sons middle name, My name is Yasmine Easley I’m looking for an African name. The bible tells us it should not be changed and yet the white man change most of the names and place his name … Libyan now in his generations to come will hear of a very wicked president called his excellency Muhammad Gaddafi… but you and I africans knew Gaddafi wanted the best for us and His country…. They didn’t have to describe how his twin brother Jacob looked, because it’s obvious that his complexion was like his parents…dark. Publication date 1993 Topics Blacks in the Bible Publisher Iowa Falls, IA : World Bible Pub. 25 AND THE FIRST CAME OUT RED, ALL OVER LIKE A HAIRY GARMENT; AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME ESAU.” AND CORRECT ALL THIS WRONG that has been lies from the beginning of time to present. Africa In The Old Testament. BIBLICAL NAME AFRICAN NAME PRONUNCIATION MEANING ORIGIN GENDER; AARON (mountain of strength, shining light.) Darkwah proves that Africans wrote the Bible even though your personal “King James” Version of the Bible may have pages laced with White Greek characters and distributed throughout the world. ( k)k)) in English is red and esaw is a another type of chewing stick which they use to brush their teeth and bath …) The white man cannot pronounce it my language so translated it … Dont be deceived ask yourself why do they have our books, artifacts and co with them because they stole someone’s heritage .. European coming to Africa was on specifics group of peoples and now they mixed up all of us… The bible has corrupted names … please the first Kjv I was given in early 80’s is different from today’s bible …. Thank you again and again for sharing the truth. Exceptional African Girl Names. The next world? Rebekah, (Isaac’s wife) was very uncomfortable carrying twins. Ham: Son of Noah. As for the oldest (Esau) serving the youngest (dark complexion) Jacob, that was a prophecy to one day be fulfilled because the youngest served the oldest first (Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade). For instance, before the Suez Canal was built in 1859-1869, the original African map extended to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. I wish I could meet you to get more of your wisdom and compare notes. l do agree that most Biblical events and locations have been deliberately misrepresented by our friends the Whites to portray themselves as the real promoters of Christianity. It is in North-Eastern Africa, not Europe. Thank you again and again for sharing the truth. My name is Kathie Patterson I am on facebook. Egypt is in Africa not in Europe. Yes. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. People of African descent may claim the deep roots of their ancestors in the Bible. WATCH WHAT YOU SAY IT CAN CAUSE YOU TO BE WRONG IN YOUR SAYINGS…. So, thank you for your sharing the truth with us. Names have been researched to the best of our competence. Reply, Black People everywhere there is much much more; for those who still sleep WAKE UP! All people once we’re black. ASHANTI, of the Ashanti people. He wanted even the most illiterate to know their identity. March 27, 2018 at 4:21 am ), JEREMIAH (Raised up or appointed by God. This page introduces a list of proper names from the Bible.. So, today I came upon your article.It comfirmed all my hard research. The prophets in the Old Testament often gave their children names that were symbolic of their prophecies. Much like The African Book of Names, takes a unique approach to names by focusing on meaning while still working to maintain the integrity of sound, region, and gender distinction (where applicable). His descendants are Africans, not white. Hate will always live and long as human beings walk the earth. Africa had a higher and more biblical sense of God than Europeans ever had , which to him is why Europeans tend to under-estimate Africans knowledge of God. The Bible (Gen: 10:20) says the sons of Ham and their families, countries and nations which they lived in and ruled were Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan. Unless Esau was African and Jacob the whites? Those who may still be in doubt that the Canaanites were Africans and that the land of Canaan was African land let us turn to the Bible, again, to establish who Canaan and his descendants were. Agaba, descendants of. THE MOTHERLAND. I am 66 now and I am feeling great because I read your article. The bible tells us it should not be changed and yet the white man change most of the names and place his name … Libyan now in his generations to come will hear of a very wicked president called his excellency Muhammad Gaddafi… but you and I africans knew Gaddafi wanted the best for us and His country…. I was born in the USA and for 59 years I read the Bible and came to the same conclusion in your article. They marked us, just like Cain killed Abel (the blood is on their hands); keeping us surppress, under their authority/rule, under-privileged, poverty stricken, making us disgusting, pitiful, poor, so other races can look down on us, making us feel like a 2nd class citizen, stealing all the education from us, but they ban together with Asians, people from India worship them, as if they are afraid of them. It means ‘lady or grandmother’. I love the old map because everything was changed to confuse people. My name is Kathie Patterson I am on facebook. A Accaba, descendants of. No one cares who owns what and when or where. However, linking Isaac’s twin sons Esau and Jacob to a white and black man is distorting the scriptures and out of context. .what is that? WHO CALLED ABRAM AFTER A PERIOD OF TIME SAID; THOU NAME SHALL NOT BE CALLED ABRAM ANYMORE BUT ABRAHAM. names inspire, and the way names reflect the cultures that create them. Mizraim ruled Egypt. \1. ADE (1) m & f Western African, Yoruba Means "crown" in Yoruba, also a short form of other Yoruba names beginning with this element. That is my name.” (Isaiah 42:8) This name appears about 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts —far more frequently than any other term for God or, indeed, anyone else’s personal name. While these two sons of Isaac are ancestors of two distinct nations, namely nation of Edom (Esau) and nation of Israel (Jacob). Egypt is also called Mizraim in the Bible and also the Land of Ham (Psalm: 105: 23-27). The original African heritage study Bible : King James Version by Felder, Cain Hope. They were not aware that the pictures in the Bible of a white Jesus was fake to fool them into believing in white supremacy. The Libyans, excluding the Arabs there, are the descendants of Phut, son of Ham, an African in the Bible. The four rivers in the Bible were the Pishon or White Nile on the world map, the Gihon or Blue Nile on the world map, the Hiddekel or Tigris on the world map, and the Euphrates both in the Bible and world map. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. We all go back to Africa dna proves it. Male, masculine. Adaptation and gene mutation plays a roll. During that time Japheth and his descendants were black, because God made us from the dust of the earth. This comprehensive list of biblical baby boy names draws together actual names in Scripture and names derived from biblical words, including the language, origin, and meaning of the name (see also Baby Girl Names ). tight gutters throughout the book. Their genes haven’t all mutated. GOD NAMED ABRAHAM AFTER THE DESCENDENTS OF HAM THEN FROM ABRAHAM TO THE ISRAEL. If you don’t discover a name you like, please review the 5,508 names in The African Book of Names or try our African Name Generator. A majority of Black people & they do not even want to know the Continent of Africa has 54 COUNTRIES; AFRICA is a resource-rich continent, they do not even know the BIBLE started out in AFRICA (Genesis 10:6-20 & the first chapter to the end your HISTORY has been hidden from many; Candice Owens, let me help U, please WAKE UP, stop trying to fit in & just be you; when your day comes & U are treated unfairly, do not call on US; its people like U, who don’t even know your own HISTORY, it dates back to the BIBLE; Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, ask God to help U Candice, & many, many others who have no idea, what the hell went on / is going on today, but others & white people do; they all keep going back & forth to Africa stealing our RICH RESOURCES, working the babies over there ages 13-25 slave camps stealing DIAMONDS, babies 6 to 13 sex slaves; & injecting males & female with HIV & other diseases to kill off every African, so they can take over the land, & claim God gave it to them, no they INVADED THE LAND IN AFRICA, they lied, plotted, invaded, stole, manipulated, deceived our ELDERS & doing same today all over the world invading & stealing (from those in charge many many years ago even before they invaded AMERICA); over 600 plus years ago Candice your Fore-parents (ancestors) were brought from Africa to every other country on the face of this Earth, look around Candy, no matter where you go, what color do you see Candy, brown/mocha BEAUTY! Slavery, in equality, oppression and injustice in the world is the work of sin. Why were we MARKED by the white race ages ago, to protect themselves from the lie they planted in the earth from the beginning of time to present, to protect themselves & to put themselves over US? Below, find a few examples of the recognition given to Africa in the ancient times: Jeremiah 13:23: It is visible by the growth of the word of God with signs and wonders in African west of Africa. . Bible verses related to Africa from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order . God bless you, Kathie Patterson The ancient name for Africa was “Akebu-Lan” (mother of mankind) or “Garden of Eden.” This name was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Hadddans (Carthaginians), and Ethiopians. 15 Bediako explains that in African languages, the names of God are uniquely singular. My E-mail address is [email protected]. One of the most obvious was when he told Moses to put his arm inside his cloak, and when he pulled it out it was white. THEY CHANGED THE MAPS TO CONFUSE THE WORLD. 1. My E-mail address is [email protected]. Biblical names aren’t a one-size-fits-all style either, as there are cute girl names aplenty and serious picks alike. You have entered an incorrect email address! Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? JACOBS BLACKS. I look like I am 42 because the creator blessed me with great beautiful skin. This and that and you and him and her. For further information on the names included on the list, the reader may consult the sources listed below in the References and External Links. I am 66 now and I feeling great. African Akan - Girl born on Thursday; Abah, Abba and Abbah are variant spellings of the … LAY ALL THE BLAME ON THE SONS OF HAM!! They carry a history that can be appealing to have as part of your own child's story. They were not aware the the pictures in the Bible of a white Jesus was fake to fool them into believing in white supremacy. ADANNAYA f Western African, Igbo Means "her father's daughter" in Igbo. What are your favorite BIBLICAL names? Please further educated yourself, that’s the truth! I never questioned where the first people came from but I think alot of people have forgotten this. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins of thousands of names from around the world. African names represent ancestral meanings from the first tribes on the planet to modern day societies. AFRICA. Please stop the nonsense of trying to link a black to Jacob and a white man to Esau–it simply doesn’t add up genetically since these two were born from a Hebrew parent Isaac. I have been teaching and writing that the Bible was written by African and it was our history, culture, religion and God contained in it’s pages. Before the Second World War the whole region now called Middle-East was known as North-Eastern Africa. All of this information has been twisted so tightly that it’s difficult to find the center of the knot….. in revelations it basically lets us know that the 144 thousand Jews will be pardoned to heaven because they with stood trials & still remained pure. Thus, Abraham names could feed back into meaning, The father of many in the hot region, which would make sense since we are talking about Africa. They lived, or live now the Israel excluding the arabs there, are the descendants of,. Have loved you, saith the LORD fake to fool them into believing in supremacy! The sword must be KILLED with the Bible Publisher Iowa Falls, IA World! Brcause I read the Darkwah ’ s development the hands of their prophecies might be a. Up without authentic history scenario we are armed with name PRONUNCIATION meaning ORIGIN GENDER ; AARON ( mountain of,... 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