--Georgetown University, 2011.; Includes bibliographical references. In the WFS definition it refers to the term “sufficient”. Ethiopia stands out as a unique case because it has a lower than average urban population in Africa (below 20%), as well as a lower than average urban population within Eastern Africa, and has Africa’s second largest population at 97 million (Central Statistical Agency [CSA], 2011; United Nations, 2014). The situation of chronically food insecure people is becoming more and more severe. food security in bona-zuria woreda, sidama zone, southern ethiopia msc thesis tizita damtew hawassa univhawassa university college of agriculture hawassa, ethiopia februayry, 2017 . households during pre- and post-harvest seasons. Improvements in food security and the eradication of famine will require investment in sustainable projects. Preferably, HDDS and energy intake data should be used together to assess food security. Shishay Kahsay Weldearegay 1 & Dawit Gebremichael Tedla 1 Agriculture & Food Security volume 7, Article number: 6 (2018) Cite this article. food security crisis in Ethiopia is the fall armyworm outbreak, which affects large parts of the country; especially maize-producing parts of SNNPR, Western Oromia, Amhara, Gambela, and Benshangul Gumuz (ACAPS, 2018; FEWS, NET and WFP, 2018). March 2017 ; Thesis for: PhD; Project: Ethiopia; Authors: Logan Cochrane. A. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. security in the region. Food price stabilization measures and safety nets are critical instruments to prevent violent conflict. (2010) studied the impact of food security program on household food consumption in two villages of the Amhara region in the North-western part of Ethiopia using propensity-score matching. This could include consideration of: Prof. Carlo Carraro Candidate Japneet Kaur Matriculation Number 85573 Academic Year 2016 / 2017 . • Who they collaborate with; 2.2.1 Availability The first dimension is the availability. By KEMERIA BARSENGA KEDIR Submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements For the degree of MASTER IN HUMAN ECOLOGY At the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: F.T TABIT May, 2015 . In Ethiopia, food insecurity among the population is widespread (Van der Veen and Tagel, 2011). Historical and more recent climate-related events such as the 2008/2009 and 2011 food security crises in the Horn of Africa have highlighted the impact of droughts and floods on food production, access to markets, and income from agricultural activities. Adaptation by small-scale tea farmers in South Africa 57 Box 5: UNFCCC funding for climate change adaptation and mitigation 73. Livelihood & Food Security Conceptual Framework • 4. transform it into energy for daily activities or to store it for future energy needs. Household diets in Ethiopia remain subjected to significant seasonal stress. Maize became increasingly important in the food security of Ethiopia following the major drought and famine that occurred in 1984. Food security situation in Ethiopia: The National Food Security Strategy (FDRE., 1996) reports that as the Ethiopian population grew from 15 million in 1951-55 million during early the 1990s, the production of cereals dropped on per capita basis by more than 25% from … First of all, the … The probability of food security increases from 51% at about 0.25 kert under improved varieties to 74% at the 7 kert adoption level. We analyze the socially differentiated dynamics of youth migration from rural to urban areas and how this impacts livelihoods, family life, and access to food in rural communities. This article evaluates the impact of the adoption of improved wheat varieties on food security using a recent nationally-representative dataset of over 2000 farm households in Ethiopia. Future interventions aiming at ensuring food security should pay attention to seasonality and mechanisms of improving diversified food production and household income as well as expanding education opportunities and access to cooperatives, infrastructure (mobile telephone) and sanitation. Final Thesis Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity and Food Security Resulting in Poverty in India Supervisor Ch. Gorilla slaughter, conflict, deforestation and demand for charcoal in Rwanda and eastern DRC 53 Box 4. HDDS and food security measured using energy intake do not always agree. Most beneficiaries are employed in labor-intensive public works for six months per year with a small fraction of beneficiaries (approximately 15 percent) receiving unconditional payments (Berhane et al., 2014; Berhane et al., 2020). i DECLARATION This thesis … substantial roles in ensuring food security in the study area through increasing income sources, creating employment, and supplying inputs and consumer goods at reasonable price. However, it seems quite challenging in view of the impact of climate change on agriculture, to achieve the goal. climate. Developing countries in general and Ethiopia in particular are affected by a growing problem of food insecurity. The impact of food aid on the markets of Ngabu, however, has been minimal. Youth Perspectives on Migration, Poverty and the Precarious Future of Farming in Rural Ethiopia. 57). This thesis examines the relationship between post-secondary student status and household food insecurity. Degye et al. ; Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. However, Abebaw et al. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Conclusion Glossary Bibliography Biographical Sketch Summary Food insecurity and hunger are widespread in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN claims that although food availability on the African continent has increased by 12% and poverty has decreased by 23% since the early 1990s, rural areas also still remain disproportionately food insecure (FAO, 2015). Changes in food security, rather than levels of food insecurity, are probably most influential. May 2014 . How are different stakeholders taking on the challenge in the context of complex organisational mandates, increasing donor pressures, and ill-equipped national and local climate information systems? DETERMINANTS OF HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY AND COPING STRATEGIES: THE CASE OF BULE-HORA DISTRICT, BORANA ZONE, OROMIA, ETHIOPIA Ahmed Mohammed Abdulla Yabelo Pastoral and Dry Land Agriculture Research Center, Yabelo, Po.Box 85 Yabelo, Ethiopia ABSTRACT: Now a day food security issues become one of the critical concern and top priority area for developing countries. Thesis code: DEC-80436 . Ethiopia has doubled its maize productivity and production in less than two decades. (2013), determined Effects of Climate Shocks on Household Food Security in rural Ethiopia: Panel Data Estimation. The study found that 21% of the members are food insecure while the figure for the nonmembers is 36% (significance difference at P<0.01). Introduction BackgroundEthiopia is one of the most food-insecure and famine affected countries. ETHIOPIA. Food insecurity refers to uncertain or inadequate access to food due to financial constraints. The inter-time comparison method indicates that there are statistically significant difference in per adult-expenditure and-income of the members before and after joining the cooperatives (P<0.05). Thesis (M.P.P.) The government of Ethiopia together with other development partners launched the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in 2005 to help chronically food-insecure households. While this is promising in theory, it raises questions about what role NGOs should be playing in promoting of the use of information in a challenging and often contested operational environment. 1.1 Ethiopia: Climate change and food insecurity One of the sustainable development goals contains the following: End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Food insecurity is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for violent conflict. We highlight unintended consequences, such as the spread of malaria and shift away from food crops, creating market- based vulnerabilities for farmers. Thesis PDF Available. Volatile market prices, poor soil conditions, declining land size, limited employment opportunities as well as the way individuals and communities prepare for and confront these challenges, are critical for understanding the geographic inequality of rural areas. We focus on more financially-viable and environmentally-sound small- and medium-scale systems, versus the large-scale operations that have attracted much governmental attention. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Households producing more food groups, cultivating larger size of land, having higher household income, keeping more livestock, owning cell phone, having access to cooperatives, and having access to improved drinking water as well as education were more likely to be more food secure across seasons. Chronic food insecurity is a condition affecting the population that usually experiences food shortage even when weather and … This commonly refers to people having "physical and economic access" to food that meets both their nutritional needs and food preferences. However, households keeping livestock in their dwelling units and households who had access to credit were negatively associated with seasonal food insecurity. However, the food consumption expenditure and the probability of food security reach diminishing return at 6 kert (1.5 ha) and 7 kert (1.75 ha), respectively. Considerable seasonal variation was also found in energy sources in rural areas, less so in urban areas. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The rise of the ‘resilience’ agenda in the context of climate and development has led to a push for more integrated approaches to planning for and responding to climate change, DRM, and broader development challenges. This article highlights the causes and pathways of change. There is an immediate need for better planning and targeting of food aid and a national food security monitoring system. Transformative Change in Rural Ethiopia: The Impact of Small- and Medium-Scale Irrigation, BENEFIT-REALISE Bahir Dar University Cluster Baseline Study Report, The State of Knowledge on Food Security in Ethiopia: Knowledge Production Trends and Publication Accessibility, Knowledge Gaps and Opportunities for Future Research on Ethiopian Food Security and Agriculture, Malaria and large dams in sub-Saharan Africa: Future impacts in a changing climate, Biofuels and Food Security: Micro-Evidence from Ethiopia, Using National Statistics to Increase Transparency of Large Land Acquisition: Evidence from Ethiopia, Gender as a Cross-Cutting Issue in Food Security: The NuME Project and Quality Protein Maize in Ethiopia, Assessing reliability, change after intervention, and performance of a water insecurity scale in rural Ethiopia, You are not alone: social capital and risk exposure in rural Ethiopia, Resource saving and productivity enhancing impacts of crop management innovation packages in Ethiopia, Seasonality and household diets in Ethiopia, Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA), NGOs as Climate Information Intermediaries, Household Food Security through Cooperatives in Northern Ethiopia, የምግብ ዋስትና በኢትዮጲያ - ከ 2005 እስከ 2016 ያለ ጥናቶች ዲሰሳ. Food security is defined, according to the World Food Summit of 1996, as existing "when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life". Doctoral Dissertation: Strengthening Food Security in Rural Ethiopia. Urban energy intake was also lower in the lean season but HDDS varied less by season. This paper assesses the impact of the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) on the food security outcomes of female-headed households in Ethiopia. According to ACAPS (2018), food security situation in Ethiopia remain acute in 2018 with the reduced output of 2017 harvests, decreased food … The PSNP is Ethiopia’s flagship rural food security program, operational since 2005. i Acknowledgements I take this opportunity to thank all the people who contributed to the work described in this thesis. impact on food security by creating laziness, food aid dependency and low food production since the source of food it offers is easier to come by than that by production. world’s poor (Olinto et al, 2013). A large portion of the country's population has been affected by chronic and transitory food insecurity [2]. The result indicated considerable variation between the two seasons in terms of dietary diversity and food security. Currently, climate variability is a hot issue … Cooperative society is among the major determinant of household food security in the study areas (P<0.05). This justifies that expansion of cooperative societies is an important tool to minimize the food insecurity problem in the country. Food security implies the provision of safe, nutritious, and quantitatively and qualitatively adequate food, as well as access to it by all people. 6068 Accesses. The study is also vital for policy makers, students and researchers to draw lessons on how cooperative societies reduce food security. Food security is highly sensitive to climate risks in Ethiopia. Metrics details. PDF | A significant amount of research has been conducted on food security in Ethiopia, yet few reviews and syntheses are available. What lessons do their experiences hold for wider policy and practice? Food utilization interacts in complex ways with diet, nutritional status, the functioning of the immune system, and health and hygiene practices. A Random Effects Generalized Least Squares (GLS) regression was employed for analysis. We draw on two case studies, located in different agro-ecological settings: a cereal-based farming system and a root crop- based farming system. Several studies show • Who they target/reach; Abebaw et al. Program: Mangagement, Economics, and Consumer Studies (Research Master Variant) Student: Abebayehu Girma Geffersa . ON FOOD SECURITY IN WEST POKOT COUNTY, KENYA BY EVERLYNE BINYANYA OBWOCHA (B. Env Sc) N50/20581/2010 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE IN THE SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER 2015 . In Ethiopia, food insecurity is predominantly chronic in its nature; with the exception of particular crisis periods due to recurrent drought. Conclusions: Title: Review of food insecurity situation in Ethiopia, Food aid and dependency syndrome in Ethiopia: Local people's perception, The Impact of Productive Safety Net Programme on Food Security: The Case of Babile District, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia, Livelihood Strategies and Food Security of Rural Households in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia, Impact of Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) on the Household Livelihood: The Case of Babile District in Somali Regional State, Ethiopia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . Ethiopia is one of the most food insecure countries in Sub Saharan Africa, mainly due to shortage of rainfall, plant diseases, pests and poor governances. Millions of individuals and households especially the rural poor are the main victims of the problem. Background. Good governance, at all levels, is central to growth, poverty alleviation, and food security” (Monsod, 2002: 167).Therefore, this indicates that policies, rules, and regulations made by the ruling party play a great role in bringing food security. Determinants of Food Security in Rural Farm Households in Ethiopia A Research Paper presented by: Hiwot Yirgu Astemir (Ethiopia) In partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPEMNT STUDIES Major: Economics of Development (ECD) Members of the Examining Committee: Dr. Natascha Wagner Dr. Lorenzo Pellegrini The Hague, The Netherlands … sustainable food security for all. One of the most significant outcomes of these challenges is the migration of youth to urban areas, which contributes to a further uncertain future for farming and food security in rural communities. Food security is a dynamic concept, which has continuously integrated new dimensions and levels of analysis over the years; this reflects the wider recognition of its complexities in research and public policy issues. Food Security involves four aspects entitled the Four Dimensions of Food Security. Serious food shortages and high levels of malnutrition continue to affect a large number of people in several parts of Ethiopia still today. Despite considerable investment into these areas over the past few decades, fundamental challenges remain at many levels of engagement, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia. Supervisor: Marrit van den Berg, PhD. focuses upon technical studies of irrigation systems or impacts on households after gaining access to irrigation. 2 ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES “ANALYSIS OF SMALLHOLDER FARMER’S PARTICIPATION IN … B. (How) has the architecture and delivery of national and regional climate information systems (from NMHSs to extension agents and other key players) evolved as a result of this scaled-up investment? ዜናብ፣ (2) የምግብ ሳይንስ እና ቴክኒካዊ የግብርና ምርምር፣ (3) አሇ-እኩሌነት፣ (4) ግሇሰብ-ተኮር ጥናቶች፣ (5) መጠነ ሰፊ መሬት መሰብሰብ እና የመሬት ቅሚያ፣ (6) የተፈጥሮ ሏብት አስተዲዯር እና ውሃ፣ (7) ማሕበራዊ አገሌግልቶችና ፖሉሲ፣ (8) የተጋሊጭነት ምርመራዎችና ስሌቶች ናቸው፡፡ በአጠቃሊይ ዗ርፉ ወሳኝ የሆኑ ጥናቶች እንዯተዯረጉ ቢሆንም በአሇእኩሌነት ሊይ መጠነ ሰፊ የሆነ የጥናት ፍሊጎቶች አለ፣ አዲዱስ የሆኑ የምግብ ዋስትና አሇመረጋገጥ መገሇጫዎችን መፈተሸ ያስፈሌጋሌ፣ የምግብ ዋስትና መሇኪየዎችና ስላቶች ሊይ ጥሌቅ ግምገማዎች ማዴረግ ያስፈሌጋሌ፣ እንዱሁም ዗ርፈ-ብዘ አካሄድችንም መጠቀም ያስፈሌጋሌ፡፡ ተመራማሪዎች በ዗ርፉ ያሇውን እውቀት እንዱያዲብሩ፣ ቁሌፍ የእውቀት ጉዯሇቶችን ሇመሇየትና አዲዱስ የጥናት አቅጣጫዎችን ሇመጠቆም በየጊዛው የሚዯረጉ ዲሰሳዎችና የውህዴ ጥናቶችም አስፈሊጊ ናቸው፡፡. A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTERS OF SCIENCE (INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS) Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia October, 2012 . Using data from the Ethiopian Rural Household Surveys (EHRS) for 2009, the present study tests whether the PSNP … Drought insurance in Ethiopia 40 Box 3. Download PDF. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. C. How can intermediaries be best supported to maximise their potential as knowledge brokers that span adaptation, disaster risk management and sustainable development agendas? The adult-equivalent income and expenditure of cooperative members are statistically different from the nonmembers during 2009 and 2010 (P<0.05). Thus, the government should give attention for the expansion and diversification of cooperatives in order to join more people and then achieve food security. Abstract. Food insecurity as a consequence of drought is the most common environmental risk threatening farmers in South East Asia and Sub Saharan African. What has been the impact of the resilience agenda on the role of NGOs as information intermediaries and knowledge brokers in sub-Saharan Africa? 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