basket case 1. If you want to call each people by their own names that’s great but make sure you find out what they actually call themselves first before you assign them yourself. From there, it comes to refer to a country or an organization that's having severe economic difficulties. Do you call your non-caucasian friends niggers or “boy”? 3. offensive. I haven’t yet seen any decent argument from you as to why offence is unique in this fashion. Each of the “freaks” has their own distinctive look and personality. No can do! I wonder if “Paddy Wagon” didn’t have British origins…. Yeah, the article is definitely wrong on that one: Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:59 am Post subject: Re: Basket Case: Send Chris and email at support @ yesterdaytractors (dot) com with the wording and he will be more than willing to try and figure out the offensive word. I came across a guy who thought he was being culturally sensitive by calling all Aboriginal people Coorie… Nice and well meaning but very, very ignorant. Even just a very quick glance at Wikipedia reveals that the claim about ‘hip hip hooray’ having racist origins doesn’t stack up. One that caught our eye is "basket case.". due to overwhelming stress, anxiety, or the like. My counter-example earlier was the example of insulting one’s own mother. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and @grumptastic – it sounds like, as per your tag, you’re bitter that “Pom” didn’t make the list, bitter Aussies use the same term affectionately and insults to other ethnicities as really not that bad because the history is tenuous. But blasphemy has a ridiculously rubbery meaning. If the offence exists, it didn’t magically appear out of mid-air. [with object] Cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful So use of the term is actually rather sexist. In primary school it was common knowledge that dude = camel penis It is a shocking, distressing, and distracting image. “My counter-example earlier was the example of insulting one’s own mother.”. Note to self: Must get my research right… and make sure I don’t use examples of what I’m trying to point out as bad in my writing… Oh dear (hopefully dear isn’t one of these words that once meant something oh fensive)…. Regular verbs like “play” have the same past tense and past participle – I play, I played, I have played. As it was originally used, however, a basket case refers to someone who is useless or not functioning well. So at it’s roots its can be taken as blasphemy more than swearing. However the connotations behind calling a woman ‘hysterical’ have far-reaching implications beyond even the 2011 film Hysteria. You’re offended? Basket Case. You haven’t bothered to counter that.). ", In Modern American Usage, lexicographer Bryan Garner addresses "whilst," "amongst," and "amidst." You could add “Pom” to that list. Offence cannot be given, it must be taken. The Greeks believed that the uterus was the direct cause of a number of female ailments, based on the premise that the uterus was essentially its own organism. Either: The gore effects are also really well done as well. My ignorance about ‘basket case,’ however, begs the question, how many other potentially offensive phrases have I been using? – nazi (and to a lesser extent, fascist) In World War I, soldiers who lost all four limbs were referred to as basket cases because a … b. Many of them also defined what was meant by 'basket case'; for example, this from the New York paper The Syracuse Herald, March 1919: "By 'basket case' is meant a soldier who has lost both arms and legs and therefore must be carried in a basket. Basket Case. May I ask, there’s a pattern in materials-science called the ‘Chinese Script Pattern’. The case for Mike White ... and seems like he works hard and is truthful , upfront, and genuinely a nice guy. Someone who is viewed as emotionally unstable and unable to function in normal situations. Do you call your mother c**t? There’s even a “law” for a special case of this: Godwin’s law, where any argument will eventually wind up with a comparison with Hitler or Nazism – and the person to make the comparison is taken to have lost the argument. Now, I actually agree that there are times when offensive speech is desirable. It is good to know the source of some of them, though the article did get the whole Eskimo/Inuit thing wrong. This means that it’s better to call arctic Alaskans Eskimos, not Inuit – or better yet, call them Yupik if they are Yupik, Iñupiat if they are Iñupiat, Cup’ik if they are Cup’ik, and so on. The elder that was showing me around said he was sick of all the PC experts telling him that he was an Inuit and not an Eskimo. Completely wrong with “Eskimo”, that’s an old myth. basket case definition: 1. someone who is extremely nervous or anxious and is therefore unable to organize their life: 2…. The use of "basket case" resurfaced during World War II with a very similar meaning. anything … The filter is in place to keep the boards clean and not offensive and sometimes words have double meanings. If you believe that offence is somehow unique in being an exception to this – that you believe the taking automatically implies NOT giving – please explain exactly how and why. But a good rule of thumb is don’t judge. Absolutely agree @ozoneocean. But why do their prefixes sound identical? Around the same time, we start to see the use that most people are probably familiar with today, which is a person who is unable to cope for emotional reasons. You can still find recent instances of this use. It’s still an attack, still (in a suitable context) intended as an attack, and so still an “offense given” rather than only taken. So what comprises “cause” here? They’ve given up on rational arguments in favour of emotional baiting; my time is almost certainly better spent elsewhere. Sometimes people feed offended when no offence was intended; some terms are so clear in their intention that no sane person would not regard their use as offensive. The fash were delighted at my slip up, my friends laughed but I was genuinely mortified! Thanks for the use insteads, cant wait to belt out “Hoorah” at the next birthday party then look at everyone with evil eyes as they “Hip Hip Hooray”. I mean all this hysteria over a few words, some may find offensive. Basket Case offers plenty of fodder for critics that like to dissect pop genre pix. To get back to the bullet analogy, if somebody shoots me, I may choose to take that as an honest statement that they feel that the world is a better place without me and that I shouldn’t take it personally. WTF. Offensive speech is the most important speech, it indicates honest communication. Basket Case is a 1982 American slasher film written and directed by Frank Henenlotter, and produced by Edgar Ievins.Kevin Van Hentenryck stars as a normal-looking person who seeks vengeance for the unwanted surgery that separated him from his deformed conjoined twin brother.. A young man carrying a big basket that contains his extremely deformed Siamese-twin brother seeks vengeance on the doctors who separated them against their will. 1: Cite where I claim that. The “four-lettered classics” are so bl**dy overused as to be almost boring. Henenlotter also leans on the Jekyll and Hyde / Psycho transference theme. So to clarify, in the following sequence of events you want to claim that offence is given? The first words of your original response were “Offence cannot be given.” Not “Offence cannot be given without it also being taken.” (Which implies, by the way, that it CAN be given.). Some of the examples given here seem a bit of a stretch. There are many things in life worth keeping unsullied or unsoiled. Some argue that it refers to a stereotype about the high amount of crime committed by the Irish, but either way, it's pretty offensive. 1. So much so that a listener recently asked if they're related. They key words here are “give” and “take.”. The term comes from the Greek ‘hysterikos’, meaning ‘of the womb’ or ‘suffering in the womb’. That’s inconsistent with all other use of the terms involved. If a country or organization is a basket case, its economy or finances are in a very bad state. By these standards anyone who finds these offensive offends me as i find overly sensitive people who nitpick what they are offended by offensive. To your claim that calling someone is a retard nazi poofter is giving offence, let’s test that: Are you genuinely offended? So please stop doing it. You have offended. Quite understandably, they don’t like being called Inuit because they aren’t Inuit (and the word doesn’t even exist in Yupik languages). Definition of basket case. Here the effect is the person being upset, annoyed or resentful. So did I, very interesting and totally agree. What’s to refute? Generally not. or If she is offended, she’s taken offence, if she’s not offended, there *is* no offence. In the mid-1940s, "basket case" is used to refer to an ineffective or powerless person. Starting in the 1950s, a "basket case" could be a vehicle that has missing parts or is in disrepair. 3. a. someone or something that is incapable of functioning normally. Often, native Chinese speakers will move these expressions and sentence structures into adopted languages, including English. You can still find recent instances of this use. Learn more. The Oxford Dictionary's blog has a list of nine words with offensive origins. Around the same time, there was some discussion about whether there actually were basket cases. It’s incumbent on both parties in an argument to recognise that, and the offended will sometimes use such as an excuse. basket case (plural basket cases) ( slang , potentially offensive ) One made powerless or ineffective , as by nerves , panic , stress or exhaustion . He calls all of them archaisms and goes on to say that "'whilst' reeks of pretension" and "'amongst,' in American English, is pretentious at best.". I’m not offended. Use instead: Try ‘overwrought’, ‘frenzied’ or ‘agitated’ if you really have to call someone ‘hysterical’ without resorting to womb-based comparisons. Now I will admit quite readily that under many, perhaps most, circumstances, offence is taken when no offence is intended. If you tell the truth and someone is genuinely offended, that’s AWESOME! The film gained an audience in the 1980s due to the advent of home video and has been considered a cult film. The Guardian would not use spastic or quadriplegic as derogatives. If you had not made those statements, she would not be upset – or at least, not AS upset. However, you’re cherry-picking here. Obviously. a person who is helpless or incapable of functioning normally, especially due to overwhelming stress, anxiety, or the like. At first, the Belial story comes off as an opportunistic melding of Sisters and Eraserhead. He was an Eskimo, actual tribe Iñupiat Eskimo, and proud of it. I’ve unequivocably caught you in unrepentant lies. “If she is offended, she’s taken offence, if she’s not offended, there *is* no offence.”. Hip Hip Hooray! Enter your email below. If used of an amputee, basket case is considered very offensive—and using basket case to call someone "crazy" is becoming increasingly seen as offensive today, too. Do you tell them you dived yesterday, or do you tell them you dove? It came from rumors about soldiers who had lost all of their limbs and had to be transported in a basket. Irregular verbs like “drive” are a little trickier – I drive, I drove, I have driven. All you’re doing is giving them fake outrage to blame the SJW – when no one is policing these words. In which case, don’t be surprised if the listener chooses to ignore what you say – or to respond in kind. I mean all this hysteria over a few words, some may find offensive. . If someone wants to take offence, no action or inaction of yours will prevent them doing so. These sayings only offend people who know these meanings and go out of their way to be offended by it. (A big hallo to any retard nazi poofters, you do you!). Deliberate offence (via bullet or insult) is pretty likely to get us angry, and anger is certainly motivational. Not the best mental image and potentially offensive to amputees. Also, that means that the plural should be ‘green-boyz’. From our good name to our best dress shirt, it's preferable to keep things safe from both literal and figurative sullying or soiling. I’d also regard “bugger” as being (as used here) part of the Australian vernacular that lends it some local colour; it was years after I first heard “bugger” before I found out its literal meaning. All that is required is a displeasing action. 1.1 Be displeasing or cause problems to Constructing an argument out of lies is not valid argumentation, it’s pathetic. Sorry you can’t replace “Paddy Wagon” with “Police Car” or even “Police Van”. Can you define it for me? Entirely different claim. Some would say I’m a basket case or a moron when I spaz out. If you "dive" today, what did you do yesterday? Offend: Exactly. I could probably guess how a word might have been used in a non-PC manner and write an article too! Now, with regard to the argument that you’ve decided to switch to: Per definition 1.1 in the OED you can offend by doing something displeasing; no requirement that it be acknowledged as displeasing. If you want to talk about arguing drivel, you’ve arbitrarily changed your position and then claim that I’m wrong because I’m arguing against your original position. Originally this referred to soldiers who had lost arms and legs and had to be carried by others. An infirm or failing person or thing - unable to function properly. Clearly we’re not looking at definition 2 here. This is your example, offence not taken, therefore not given. In fact, the definition doesn’t even require that the intention be there. Of course you’re not. Source 1, Source 2 Photo 5 Drink the Kool Aid Some younger folks don't realize the phrase is a reference to a tragic incident that took place in 1978. That leaves 1 or 1.1. That comes from the same species as “bugger”. Use of such terms may indicate “honest communication,” but so does a bullet to the head. And we’ll just have to disagree. statements made with the intention of making somebody upset, annoyed or resentful. Did any of the words or phrases on the OED's list surprise you? The popular image about this region a few years ago was that it was a basket case. However, later on “awe” comes to mean respectful fear or reverence – for example, someone could be in awe of the dead. What do they call “Chinese Whispers” now? a person who has had all four limbs amputated. blady = ‘by our lady’ (e.g Mary Magdalene). Nobody’s really sure of the origins – there are as many theories as commentators it seems. This song includes a new Authentic Tone. Some would say I’m a basket case or a moron when I spaz out. It depends, some people could genuinely take offense to some of these terms, others are so out-dated that it would be hard to find anyone genuinely offended. This seems pretty poorly researched. ... offensive, mainly US and Canadian. “Now you say offence cannot be given without it ALSO being taken.”. What many people do not know is that using the term Inuit as a blanket term for all arctic people in Alaska is offensive. – nigger While I’ll agree that letting use of such terms sway us is generally not to our advantage, most people out there (except the evolving AIs, [wave]) do get emotional occasionally, especially when treated as subhuman – which is usually the subtext in the most truly offensive terms. Throw Long and Prosper. This bulletin was reported on in many U.S. newspapers at the time. This isn’t the way language works. But no, the Aussies seem to think it’s their god-given right to insult people. But unlike Bulgaria, I doubt anyone in the world still identifies as hailing from Sodom. In an online response to an article in The Guardian, one commenter wrote, “I think the paper should avoid the use of basket case. At this point and time, it's pretty clear that the words "awful" and "awesome" aren't interchangeable. For music credits, visit Personally, I acknowledge that it’s possible for me to say hurtful things and generally try not to do so. All your arguments seem to focus on the idea that offence, if taken, was therefore not given. 1. a state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way They’re like a shared set of poems or additional vocabulary. For much of its life, “dive” was a regular verb – dive/dived/dived. It’s a cute little low bush, with a big long black stalk growing straight up and a tip on the end. Your ‘proof’ fails almost as badly as the drivel about bullets. It would seem that "sully" and "soil" have a lot in common. Yes. Music downloads not rated by the ESRB. With Kevin Van Hentenryck, Annie Ross, Gil Roper, Dan Biggers. If you think about the verb “dive” too hard, it can shake your confidence that you know which past tense to use. Where’s your argument? Haha. basket case is the name of a recent exhibition held at the national gallery of zimbabwe in harare and curated by zimbabwe born designer heath nash. However, if you use a name for a person that that person doesn’t use for him/herself, then it’s an insult. Words That Used to Be Offensive. I just don’t think it’s always desirable. The term … Basket case Definition: If someone describes a country or organization as a basket case , they mean that its... | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele. I can think of a word that conversely when used by African-American’s broadly means friend … utter by any other ethnic group is deemed offensive. Thanks, Hayley. So, 4 character constructions are extremely popular, and 好久不见, literally “Long time no see” fits this pattern, but is a more populist rather than classical construction. There are other terms which are less clear, often because their origin is obscure and the reasons why they are offensive is now obscure. Ideally the offended person is so angry that they spend the next week doing all the research necessary to refute you. To deny that such comprises “giving offence”… well, if you don’t believe that’s what it comprises, I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree. You probably already know about a few of these, but others such as "no can do" and "long time no see" may come as a surprise. “I was paraphrasing, of course, but I really can’t read that statement any other way.”. Early on, “awe” meant fear or dread. I’m honestly starting to think that rational thought has no place in your world. The Yupik peoples are Eskimo but not Inuit. Dude. Simultaneous giving and taken are the norm, not the exception. However, there’s definitely an argument to be made the other way; IMO that’s basically a matter of opinion. None, nada, zero, zip, nil. It could very well be an ordinary split-personality story, if Duane was simply deranged, and only imagining that he has a monster in a basket. The cause is the making of deliberately offensive statements, i.e. Offensive. By refusing to apologize, and instead trying to play “I’m rubber you’re glue” you’ve stooped to transparent trolling. This shift affects “awesome” and “awful.”, Amidst some emails, Professor Anne Curzan recently came across a question from a colleague about "amongst" and "whilst. Even the ’80s John Hughes classic The Breakfast Club uses the phrase “Basket Case” to describe Ally Sheedy’s social outcast character. Your supposed refutations to date contain no reasoned argument, but simple refutations (and occasional implied insults) without argument. This is a great example of how two words can start in the same place and end up with quite different meanings. The phrase originated in World War I to refer to a soldier who had lost their arms and legs, meaning they had to be literally carried in a basket. Why? Synonym: emotional cripple "Among" and "while" are still more common in both British and American English. However, it’s a pretty clear statement in itself. With Kevin Van Hentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, Beverly Bonner, Robert Vogel. It’s incorrect to call it a black-boy though, because spears are most commonly used by orks (who are green). Please provide some actual reasoning.. To many people, calling someone "spastic" is just as offensive as calling someone the R-word. “Eskimo” has been a traditionally accepted term for all the different tribal peoples around the North pole. The phrase originated in World War I to refer to a soldier who had lost their arms and legs, meaning they had to be literally carried in a basket. No one is angry thay these words are used – or being used this way (well, probably not now you’ve done this – it’s going to be used to bait – look at the comments). Not all cross-language pollination originates through, or is driven by negativity and racism. ; Category:English religious slurs: English terms that are intended to offend members of certain religions. basket case definition: 1. someone who is extremely nervous or anxious and is therefore unable to organize their life: 2…. 2: Apologise for lying. It is offensive because the word echoes the long discarded belief that women are more susceptible to out of control emotions due to their biology. In the meantime your counter-argument has incorporated the idea that offence CAN be given. Firstly, people really don’t work like that. No other bastard is offended. The thing about offensive terms and “honest communication” is that they may be honest, but they prevent clear communication because the person hearing is distracted from your message by emotional content which may be unintended. Source 1, Source 2 Photo 5 Drink the Kool Aid Some younger folks don't realize the phrase is a reference to a tragic incident that took place in 1978. My proof that offence must be taken, not given, is that there exists no example of offence existing when it wasn’t taken. Is intended place in your world during this time we also start to see some extensions of even. Commonly used by orks ( who are Green ) the wall but so a... Arctic people in Alaska speech is the new name for it imagine it ’ s inconsistent with all use! Into adopted languages, including English used the analogy that Apaches and Comanches are Native Americans but aren! 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